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INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine & Philippe Diaz – New Film: “I AM GITMO”

TNT Radio | A film inspired by the torturing of prisoners in Guantánamo Bay prison.

US Elites Vilifying Assange Are The Same Elites Wikileaks Exposed

21WIRE | Do you see the connection?

Open or Closed? Obama, Pentagon Remain Quiet About Gitmo ‘Double Agent Factory’

21WIRE + RT | If Gitmo closes, where will Washington send all of its terrorist recruits?

Emanuel’s Shame: Chicago’s Secret Prison is ‘Constitution-Free Zone’

21WIRE + The Guardian | Chicago’s answer to Abu Graib, where police employ ‘Gestapo tactics’, holding detainees in secrecy.

Dear CIA: We’ve Known for 1,700 Years that Torture Nets False Confessions

Washington’s Blog | Even the Romans knew that information obtained through torture was not to be trusted.

CIA: “Verschärfte Vernehmung!” (That’s Nazi for ‘enhanced interrogation’)

21WIRE + The Atlantic | It’s time to put Washington’s torture apologists in their correct position.

Legal Fiasco: British Prosecutors Fail to Charge ‘Gitmo Survivor’ Moazzam Begg with Terrorism

21WIRE + The Guardian | Britain’s latest botched terror trial has further dented public confidence in the state’s ability to be an honest dispenser of justice.

Bergdahl, The CIA & Other Shadow Games

21WIRE + Daily Mail | What will be the outcome of Bergdahl’s release from captivity?

Trauma Hound: Skinny Puppy seeks $666K from Pentagon for music used in Gitmo torture

21WIRE + RT | The band Skinny Puppy has sent an invoice to the Pentagon for the subsequent use of their music in Gitmo torture sessions without their consent.

U.S. plan to transfer 3,000 terrorists to Romania (Mojahedin Khalq, MKO, MEK, Rajavi cult)

21st Century Wire | Now the US are wanting to plant these criminals inside Europe. Why?

Gitmo’s Al-Qaeda-CIA ‘Double Agent’ Revolving Door

21WIRE + RT | This should be a wake-up call to anyone who thought they knew the whole story about Gitmo since its inception in 2001.

Obamacare in Cuba: Gitmo costing American taxpayer $900K per detainee

21st Century Wire | No US politician has the will or the intention, to do the right thing and shut down the monster.

Why Has US President Already Delivered Guilty Verdict to Boston Bombers?

Patrick Henningsen | President delivers ‘Executive Verdict’ as Fed draft in Gitmo interrogators to handle 19 year old student in custody.

The Magic of Bagram: Obama is Bush 2.0

21st Century Wire July 29, 2010 Indeed, Bagram Prison is a magical place, an exotic location where thousands of Afghanis and Arabs can still go and experience a lawless theme park of torture and indefinite detention. Almost two years into the new administration, the Guantanamo Hotel is still open for business as well… and even old Knuckles still has […]

Botched CIA Kidnapping and the PR War – Is the Agency is Losing Its Touch?

Patrick Henningsen | Whether it’s McClellan-Bush or Gibbs-Obama, the message and the game are one in the same.

Rendition: Where the War on Terror Meets the War on Drugs

Patrick Henningsen | Americans might ask themselves whether or not practices like indefinite detention, torture, ‘black’ prisons and drug running – makes them proud to fly the stars and stripes.

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