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‘Barack’s Cover’: Obama wants US Marines to spend $8 million on a ‘more feminine’ hat

21st Century Wire says…

CAMP RULES: The White House claims to have a unique understanding of all things ‘gender neutral’ (PHOTO: AP)

In the US Marines, the historic and beautiful, streamlined hat is correctly referred to as a ‘barracks cover’. That was then…

Now the President wants to implement his own ‘Barack’ cover, a more gender neutral look, and one that doesn’t offend any women in the service. 

According to the New York PostPresident Obama’s plan to create a “unisex” look for the Corps has officials on the verge of swapping out the Marines’ iconic caps with a new hat that some have derided as so “girly” that they would make the French blush. 

So we are told there’s no money for bullets, or body armor, but there is ten million spare in the ‘diversity fund’ for a new ‘Unisex’, or metrosexual look for US Marines.

John Kerry would certainly approve  any new look that resembles a more French-looking appearance. Yes, very French.

French-style: Last Tango in Paris starring Marlon Brando, sporting an Obama-friendly military hat.

What’s really going on here? Quite simply, the White House wants male soldiers to wear exactly what the women are wearing right now. How many male soldiers would go for that? There almost certainly will be a backlash, but maybe that’s the White House’s plan. Whatever it is, it cannot be good for military morale.

There might be another ulterior motive – that Obama sees trends in fashion, and what is the most up and coming hat design in woman’s fashion in 2013? It’s that very same feminine french military-style hat…

New Hat: How chique, looks good on her.

What is going on with this White House in America? Have they completely lost touch with reality?

Obama to Repeal Marine Hats Because They Are Not Gay Enough?

Julie Weiner
Vanity Fair

Madame President Obama’s nefarious multi-step plan to “gay up” our men and women in uniform has reached its dreaded sartorial stage. First, Homo-bama repealed Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and encouraged military gays to ask, tell, dance, work out, shop, brunch, take scenic drives in the country, maintain relationships with their mothers, and do whatever else it is Those People do. It is not enough to seem gay—not under our president’s tasteful stainless steel fist—our troops must also dress gay.

Exhibit A: “Thanks to a plan by President Obama to create a ‘unisex’ look for the Corps, officials are on the verge of swapping out the Marines’ iconic caps with a new hat that some have derided as so ‘girly’ that they would make the French blush,” reports, naturally, The New York Post. You know the last time the French blushed? When we saved their asses—wearing god-fearing, woman-loving Christian hats—during WWII.

In the estimation of the Post, the new hats threaten to “take the hard-nosed Leathernecks from the Halls of Montezuma to the shops of Christopher Street”—real queer shops like Village Cigars (Christopher and 7th Avenue), St. Veronica’s Catholic Church (153 Christopher), and Citibank (75 Christopher).

Marine officers vote on Friday whether they want to adopt the new hats and look like the cast of RENT eating a damn banana smoothie at a David Barton gym or whether they to keep the old hats and with them, their masculinity. [Spits chewing tobacco on ground.]

SEE ALSO: 21st Century Wire news



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