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US Cyber Command Has New HQ, Looking to ‘Attack’

Antiwar.com | Cyber Command General sees opportunity for more offensive posture.

NYT Report: Israel Planted a Bomb at Iranian Nuclear Facility

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | Is the timing of this event significant?

US Cyber Command: New and Creative Ways To Inflict ‘Collateral Damage’

21WIRE + RT | Inflicting ‘collateral damage’ is no longer restricted to drones and bombs.

Knowing How the Global Internet Works – And How It Can Crash

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | Is there a Plan B if the Internet goes down for an extended period of time? No there isn’t.

STUXNET: US-Israeli Computer Virus Infected Russian Civilian Nuclear Power Plants

21WIRE + RT | How long will Washington and President Obama pretend that this black point on America’s record never actually happened?

Whistleblower General Cartwright: demonized by a criminal US government

21WIRE+RT | General Cartwright did the right thing, and is treated like a criminal – by a criminal government.

Beyond Snowden: US General Cartwright has been indicted for espionage

Thierry Meyssan | ‘Obama’s General’ James Cartwright now faces prosecution for blowing the whistle on the President’s Stuxnet and Flame viruses.

Hacked Off: China claims they are getting 144,000 hacks a month, mostly from US

RT | Who’s hacking who? The PR war begins between Obama and the Chinese.

Symantec: ‘Stuxnet Virus Targeting Iran Was in Works as Early as 2005

Washington Post | Stuxnet destroyed 1,000 uranium-enrichment centrifuges in Iran and it was started in 2005.

Cover-up: Did The CIA ‘Suicide’ Aaron Swartz?

It is amazing that no media outlets are attempting to cover this story, especially since Swartz’s own father accused elements of the US government of being responsibly for Aaron’s death…  READ MORE SCI-TECH NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Sci-Tech –

John McAfee Hiding Out in Belize: Sex, Drugs and Anti-virus Software

Telegraph | John McAfee is on the loose in the jungle…

STUXNET virus attack: Russia warns of ‘Iranian Chernobyl’

Telegraph | According to Western intelligence reports, Russian scientists warned the Kremlin that they could be facing “another Chernobyl”.


Kurt Nimmo | A number of computer scientists, nuclear enrichment experts and former officials, say the covert race to create Stuxnet was a joint project between the Americans and the Israelis.

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