Freddie Ponton | AI pulls the plug on their Israel branch amid criticism and disagreement over recent report on Israel’s genocide in Gaza.
VIDEO: Washington’s Unstoppable Superweapon and How to Defend Against It
The New Atlas | More than any military incursion, Washington’s preferred weapon of choice is its fleet of ‘democracy’ NGOs.
SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Red Alert: NGO’s Hostile Takeover’ (2024)
SUNDAY SCREENING | Investigating the networks of NGOs who have appeared in Russia, and their negative impact on a country’s stability and society.
Problems Arise with Washington’s Latest ‘Color Revolution’ in Hong Kong
Tony Cartalucci | It looks like yet another US-backed ‘color revolution’ masquerading as ‘popular opposition.’
British Aid to Venezuela: A Soft Power Tool Kit
Nina Cross | UK aid to Venezuela is rooted in a familiar neoliberal political agenda – helping to create division and instability.
REVEALED: Amnesty International’s Historic Links to US & UK Intelligence Agencies
Alexander Rubinstein | Troubling connections contradict Amnesty’s image as a benevolent defender of human rights and reveal an organization crafted to project Anglo-American soft power internationally.
INTERVIEW: William Engdahl discusses his new book ‘Manifest Destiny’
F. William Engdahl | Behind every Color Revolution… you will find the usual suspects.
Charity for Syria? Holding ‘Hope Hospital’ Accountable
Steven Sahiounie | There are some serious problems with The Guardian’s recent feel-good piece on the latest celebrated medical charity ‘working for Syria’.
The Rape of Haiti: How NGOs, Clinton Foundation, the US and France Destroyed a Nation
Sophie Co | Are the West’s seemingly vast humanitarian efforts helping or hindering this poverty-stricken country?
Henningsen: Avaaz Bots, MSM #FakeNews, Russia’s World Cup and Syria
Sputnik Radio | As the US and UK escalate tensions against Russia, the mainstream media are now attacking dissenting opinion and political speech under the dubious guise of ‘combating fake news’.
Vanessa Beeley Presents Exposé on White Helmets at Swiss Press Club in Geneva
Swiss Press Club | Despite efforts by alleged ‘free speech’ org Reporters Without Borders to shut down the event, the Swiss Press Club went ahead as scheduled.
EXPLAINED: The West’s NGO ‘Human Rights’ Scam
21WIRE + Southfront | Human rights in the West: does the reality live up to the rhetoric?
AL-Mayadeen: Patrick Henningsen on Smart Power and The New NGO Complex
AL-Mayadeen TV | Have major NGOs and charities become mere interventionist propaganda tools?
James Le Mesurier: The British Mercenary Who Founded The White Helmets
Whitney Webb | In the hybrid war that has been waged against Syria, there are very few coincidences.
The Bizarre Occult Message of Assassin’s Creed (2016)
Jay Dyer | This video game-turned film blends everything from transhumanism to Templarism.
FAKE NEWS WEEK: Amnesty International Targets Syria with Weaponized ‘Human Rights’ Propaganda
Rick Sterling | If this report sparks an escalation of the conflict, which Amnesty International is calling for, it will be a big step backwards not forward – just like in Iraq and Libya.
EXPOSED: Syria’s White Helmets are Al Qaeda’s ‘Civil Defence’
Vanessa Beeley | The White Helmets proven to be Nusra Front civil defence.
UNCLOAKED: White Helmets Rescue Crisis Actor in ‘Mannequin Challenge’ Fakery
21WIRE | Another staged rescue operation from the White Helmets.
‘COLOR REV’ AGIT PROP: George Soros MoveOn Agitators March on America – as Billionaire Instigator Sued
Shawn Helton + The Duran | The misguided machinations behind the anti-Trump protests dominate any peaceful transition into the White House for the president-elect.
Episode #157 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Neoliberal Hunger Games’ with guests Dady Chery, Tom Duggan
SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…