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‘Terror Group Insignia’: Turks Freak Out as US Special Forces Wear Badge of Kurds

21WIRE | Turkey is not happy about the US working with the Kurds.

“Advise & Assist”: US Special Forces Photographed on Frontlines in Syria with Kurds

21WIRE | Smile! You’re on camera!

US Delta Force Begins Targeting ISIS in Iraq, Threatens ‘Unilateral Operations in Syria’

21WIRE | Can this really be called anything other than a threat to illegally invade Syria?

Spetznaz Undercover Among ISIS, Directing Russian Airstrikes Within 3 Meters of Targets

21WIRE | If you’ve wondered why the Russian air campaign in Syria has been so successful – this is why.

US Special Forces Deployed as ‘Human Shields’ to Salvage Terror Assets in Syria

Finian Cunningham | US Special Forces are being used as “human shields” to curb Russian air strikes against terrorists.

Pentagon ‘Cutbacks’ Are Nothing More Than Theater in Push for Covert Warfare

21WIRE + RT | As the Capitol Hill theater campaign toils through the all to familiar strum and drang of government ineptitude, the military budget will become the battle cry for national security.

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