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SUNDAY SCREENING: Israelism: The Awakening of Young American Jews (2023)

SUNDAY SCREENING | A look behind the scenes of Zionist indoctrination and its propaganda.

The War on COVID-19: Man’s Final Conquest of Nature

Nozomi Hayase | As global elites lay out their masterplan for the the planet, humanity is now awakening to the true peril of the epoch.

Jab Nation: ‘No Dogs, No Irish, No Blacks’

Dustin Broadbery | Despite the obvious warnings, we continue to surrender ancient rights and protections to an unthinkable dystopia that is now within sniffing distance.

Security Threat: Police Concerned With STAR TREK Fans

21WIRE + The Telegraph | Could sci-fi fans have been responsible for mass societal anarchy?

‘God Told Me to Do It’: The Dangers of America’s Lunatic Right

Peter Sterry + Christian Post | The ‘End Times’ cult is threatening to go mainstream in America, and with serious global implications.

The Holy Business: End-Times Buffoonery in a Modern World

Daniel Spaulding | Newsflash: the rapture has already happened.

Disasters, Pandemics and the ‘Art of the Con’

Jay Dyer | The con is one of the oldest, time-honored practices of fallen humanity

The Millennial Cult of Global Warming

Andrew McKillop | Yes, this is the age of cults. The only question left is: are you in, or are you out?

Meet the only man that George W. Bush ever ‘pardoned’ – but why?

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | What links did Bush, his family, or inner circle, have with the convicted serial killer?

Can ‘Operation American Spring’ Avoid Being Co-opted?

Shawn Helton | Who is General Paul Vallely, and what is his affiliation with Operation American Spring?

Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released… and here’s the chart to prove it

Daily Mail | Proof that climate change propaganda is a massive fraud.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue