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WEATHER WEAPONS: CIA Funding Geo-Engineering to Weaponize Weather

21WIRE + The Independent | A top American scientist has claimed that the CIA was looking to fund research into weaponizing weather.

EXPOSED: Global Geoengineering PsyOps Are Documented

Jay Dyer | The invention of the climate threat is a scam, as modern technological advancements are based around militarization and global population management.

Major Media Mocks Preppers in the Wake of Extreme Winter Weather

21WIRE + The Guardian | The reality is, we should all be more self-reliant.

Weather Control, ‘Climate Change’ Deception & Other Global Concerns

Shawn Helton | Can weather manipulation could trigger potential “force multiplier” of extreme events throughout the world?

The Mystery of Tesla’s Missing Papers

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | The Pentagon claims that, yes, they did take them, but that they had “lost” them…

‘Floods and Toothpaste Bombs’ – Patrick Henningsen on UK Column Live 7-2-14

UK Column Live | Patrick Henningsen joins Brian Gerrish and the UK Column team at their Plymouth studios.

Did the Philippines become a target of Weather Weapons?

Shawn Helton | Was secretive technology used to politically punish or coerce the Philippines?

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue