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MIT Study Predicts Society Will Collapse by 2040

Economics Explained | A look at why this doomsday scenario could potentially go in two different directions.

REVEALED: Melinda Gates Triggered Divorce Moves After Bill’s Meetings with Jeffrey Epstein

21WIRE | Was Gates’ involvement with Epstein much deeper and more profound than the media are letting on?

MIT Study: No Evidence of ‘Election Fraud’ in Bolivia That Resulted in Coup

Antiwar.com | “The OAS greatly misled the media and the public about what happened in Bolivia’s elections, and helped to foster a great deal of mistrust in the electoral process and the results.”

SYRIA: Turkish Charity IHH Works with Turkish Intelligence MIT to Arm Terrorist Groups

Abdullah Bozkurt | All this solid evidence confirms IHH is not just a charity group but rather a shadowy contractor controlled by MIT.

KNOWN WOLF & CLUB? EX-Deputy Head for Turkey’s MIT says Reina Attack Not Just the Work of a “Lone Wolf”

Shawn Helton | A new and unusual twist in Turkey’s bizarre Reina nightclub terror attack.

Ethical and Legal Backlash Against Military’s ‘Robot Army’ Has Begun

21WIRE + Telegraph | Regardless of the legal games being played, mega corps will still plough ahead and sell their wears to the highest bidder.

DARPA: A Glimpse of All Tomorrow’s Weapons

21st Century Wire | New and interesting ways to kill other humans – courtesy of DARPA labs.

Large Hadron Collider: World’s First Time Machine Through ‘5th Dimension’?

BIN | Researchers believe particles can travel back in time to appear before the collisions that produced them.

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