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Aussie Super-Tech Down Under

Ashlee Vance | The competition may be fierce elsewhere, but cutting edge innovation is still happening down under.

Legal Dilemma: Sexbots vs. ‘The Thought Police’

21WIRE | The ethical and legal implications of this technology will challenge the current legal system in ways we can’t imagine.

‘Ex Machina’ – Transhumanism Backed By The Global A.I. Brain

Jay Dyer | Transhumanism meets Google – a film which raises some new questions about A.I.

Iran Tests Combat Robot During Drills

21WIRE + RT | Any attack on Iran will certainly not be a walk in the park.

‘No Pilot’s License Required’ – FAA Relaxes Previous Stance on Drone Rules

21WIRE + The Switch | Applicants for a small drone operator’s certificate will have to pass a written ‘knowledge test’.

Sci-Fi Reality: New Skype tool translates multilingual calls in real-time

21WIRE + The Switch | This is perhaps one of the biggest breakthroughs in terms of communication yet.

21st Century Man and ‘The Android Existence’

Daniel Spaulding | There are far too many eager for the sort of slavery that technology and its shapers offer mankind.

TERMINATOR: Revelation of the Coming A.I. Takeover

Jay Dyer | It will be humans programming A.I. to delete threats in the future.

Pizza Hut wants to read your mind

The Switch | It’s a real trend now – humanless food-selling has been in installed 45,000 tabletop tablets in US restaurants.

Is Technology Eroding Away Our ‘Conscious Self’?

Benjamin Mann | We must pause to consider the being who we have cast among mankind.

Pentagon’s New Space ‘Shuttle Drone’ Has Been in Orbit Since 2012

21WIRE + RT | It seems the US is giving up altogether on putting man into space.

‘Robot Devolution’: Asia, High Technology and the Future of Jobs

James Hall | A chilling look at a bleak future: Chinese factory near-slave labor is NOT the final frontier of capitalist production.

A ‘Tug of War’ Over 3D Printed Hearts

21Wire + RT | Imagine how the advent of 3D printing technology will affect every aspect of our lives.

Ethical and Legal Backlash Against Military’s ‘Robot Army’ Has Begun

21WIRE + Telegraph | Regardless of the legal games being played, mega corps will still plough ahead and sell their wears to the highest bidder.

What happens when a military robot turns its gun on its human counterpart?

21WIRE + History Channel | Handing over the job of war to a machine has many unintended consequences.

21st Century Cylons: Robots Are Replacing Human Soldiers

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | They call it ‘integration’, but robot executives already refer to their robot army as humanoid.

Pentagon Being Pushed Into ‘Automated’ Technologies For New Hi-Tech Army

21WIRE + WP | US is spending fortunes on military industrial pork and other old technologies, while it burns through its checkbook making robots and drones.

Hollywood Comes Real: Future of Warfare ‘Decided by Drones’ Not Humans

21st Wire + NJ | Without the consultation of their human masters, working autonomously, coldly responding to a set of criteria.

Nano-drones: Harvard’s Bee-sized Drones Revealed

RT | The scientists have just released the video of the first controlled flight of such a robotic bee.

Army Robot Runs Faster Than a Man, Throws Huge Cinder Blocks

The Coming Crises | US Army robotic battlefield ‘pack mule’ capable of carrying 400lbs of equipment.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue