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China vs America: The Battle for Africa’s Critical Minerals

21WIRE | The world’s two premier superpowers locked into a race to control the world’s critical minerals.

AI is Starting to Scare People – And So It Should!

Julian Rose | The shocking truth is that AI has the unbridled power to DIVIDE humanity.

Will Artificial Intelligence Solve the ‘Socialist Calculation’ Problem?

AIER | How well have Asimov’s predictions faired in the age of A.I. and big data?

Utopian Madness

Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek | The goal is not to take us along with them. The goal is to dismantle us as we sit in our prisons, hypnotized by devices and drugs. It won’t work.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The Tragedy of Droids’ (2020)

SUNDAY SCREENING | The meaning behind robots and droids.

SUNDAY SCREENING: Paradise or Robocalypse? (2019)

SUNDAY SCREENING | We’re in a race against time to establish ethical guidelines before technology overtakes us.

Will Self-Taught, A.I. and Robotics Be the End of Us?

World Science Festival | Will the pinnacle of human innovation render humans redundant? 

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The Big Reset’ (2019)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Unpacking the rapid change being driven by digital technology.

Coronavirus is Being Used to Accelerate the Destruction of the Working Class

Cory Morningstar | ‘We’re going to see something like 10 years of change in 10 weeks.’

Digital Wonderland: AI, Transhumanism and Faux Telekinesis

21WIRE | Q: Are we really for this brave new world?

Amazon Warehouse Staff Strike in Protest to Bezos Surveilling, Tracking Workers

21WIRE + The Verge | Jeff Bezos’s brutal new ‘efficiency metric’ used on workers has triggered a walk-out at Minneapolis site on busiest day of the year.

Aussie Super-Tech Down Under

Ashlee Vance | The competition may be fierce elsewhere, but cutting edge innovation is still happening down under.

Legal Dilemma: Sexbots vs. ‘The Thought Police’

21WIRE | The ethical and legal implications of this technology will challenge the current legal system in ways we can’t imagine.

Facebook F8 Conference Is Not The F8 ‘Safe Mode’ We Know

21WIRE + Wired | Mark Zuckerberg’s 10 year plan raises further stakes on the transhumanist path.

Exponential Mega-trends: Machine Intelligence Moving Towards Singularity

Nadeem Walayat | Humanity cannot wait to face these issue, because the machines certainly won’t stop and wait for us to catch up.

Robotics Professor: People Will Soon Be ‘Losing Their Virginity’ to Robots

21WIRE + RT | Another symptom of our cultural collapse.

HEAD GAMES: Technology With The Potential To Shape Reality

Randy Johnson | Face2Face technology, voice-morphing, and virtual reality continues to integrate with humanity.

The Android Affair: Humanity Outsourced

Randy Johnson | Robot advances are reaching science fiction proportions.

Professor: Artificial Intelligence As Dangerous As Nuclear Weapons

21WIRE + Daily Mail | A growing number of experts are raising huge concerns about A.I. development.

Google’s Driverless Cars Causing Accidents, But Police Reports Remain Hidden

21WIRE + The Switch | Google already has hundreds of millions invested in this project, but will it work?

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue