Dr Sam Bailey | Is this the smoking gun, or just a stinky red herring?
Feds Adapting A.I. Used to Track ISIS to Combat American Dissent on Vaccines, Elections
Just the News | The US government is now working hand-in-hand with university ‘disinformation labs’, private companies and Big Tech – funneling millions in taxpayer money to fund an AI censorship program used to silence American citizens.
Vaccine Passport Developer Says Microchipping Humans is Happening ‘Whether You Like It or Not’
Reclaim the Net | Transhumanist tech firm plans is ‘transform healthcare on a global scale.’
Julian Assange’s Warning: Humanity’s Last Stand
Nozomi Hayase, Ph.D | While Julian Assange languishes in a British high-security prison, his warnings about a coming dystopia are proving to be prescient. This is humanity’s last stand and we are its only hope.
WMD America: Inside the Pentagon’s Global Bioweapons Industry
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva | An in-depth investigation into America’s international clandestine bioweapons industrial complex.
Facebook F8 Conference Is Not The F8 ‘Safe Mode’ We Know
21WIRE + Wired | Mark Zuckerberg’s 10 year plan raises further stakes on the transhumanist path.
HEAD GAMES: Technology With The Potential To Shape Reality
Randy Johnson | Face2Face technology, voice-morphing, and virtual reality continues to integrate with humanity.
The Cell (2000) – Sex Slaves and the Split Psyche
Jay Dyer | The Cell is a macabre display of the psyche, alters, trauma-based mind control, and the occult connection to these ideas.
Unacknowledged Secret Access Projects: The Black Budget & Military Industrial Complex
21WIRE | These black budget projects are illegal and swallowing your taxes.
FACE HACKING: 3-D Projection Mapping in Real Time
Randy Johnson | ‘Real Time’ 3-D face tracking and projection portends a frighteningly beautiful and technological future.
DARPA Spending $62 Million to Create Military Cyborgs
21WIRE | Science fiction is now fast becoming science fact.
SPECTRE: Revelation of Multinational, Global Surveillance Octopus and Criminal Cartel
Jay Dyer | 007’s rabbit hole leads to a global cartel known as SPECTRE, an octopus whose tentacles surround us all today.
Internet.org Is Zuckerberg’s Own Internet 2.0 For ‘Developing’ Countries
21WIRE | Surprised? Facebook is bent on complete world domination.
Surveillance Selfie: Drones, Phones and The Coming Big Data Beast
21WIRE + The Analyst Report | Ushering in the surveillance grid under the auspices of ‘smart’ technologies.
BEAST TECH: DARPA and Google’s Transhumanist Takeover
21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | DARPA and Google have transhumanist designs on our future.
US DoD ‘Star Wars’ Tech: DARPA’s Death Ray Begins Testing
21WIRE + RT | Science fiction is now science fact.
Six Chinese Nationals, and USC Alumni Are Charged With Industrial Espionage
21WIRE + RT | Chinese are accused of stealing classified radio frequency technologies for mobile devices and more.