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Explained: Why Furor Over ‘Gain of Function’ is a Giant Red Herring

Dr Sam Bailey | Is this the smoking gun, or just a stinky red herring? 

Feds Adapting A.I. Used to Track ISIS to Combat American Dissent on Vaccines, Elections

Just the News | The US government is now working hand-in-hand with university ‘disinformation labs’, private companies and Big Tech – funneling millions in taxpayer money to fund an AI censorship program used to silence American citizens.

Pentagon-Ukraine Bio Labs: The Hunter Biden Connection

Freddie Ponton | The Ukrainian bio lab story goes much deeper than we thought – straight to the nexus of US political and corporate power.

Vaccine Passport Developer Says Microchipping Humans is Happening ‘Whether You Like It or Not’

Reclaim the Net | Transhumanist tech firm plans is ‘transform healthcare on a global scale.’

Who’s Behind the Global Takeover and Vaccine Mandates?

Dr Joseph Mercola | Understanding how the ‘global pandemic’ is being used to usher a new technocracy control system of global governance and neofeudalism. Can it be stopped?

Julian Assange’s Warning: Humanity’s Last Stand

Nozomi Hayase, Ph.D | While Julian Assange languishes in a British high-security prison, his warnings about a coming dystopia are proving to be prescient. This is humanity’s last stand and we are its only hope.

WMD America: Inside the Pentagon’s Global Bioweapons Industry

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva | An in-depth investigation into America’s international clandestine bioweapons industrial complex.

Why US and Swedish Companies Are Pushing Microchip Implants on Employees

Patrick Henningsen | Welcome to the brave new world of conformity: become a member of the New Digital Collective.

Facebook F8 Conference Is Not The F8 ‘Safe Mode’ We Know

21WIRE + Wired | Mark Zuckerberg’s 10 year plan raises further stakes on the transhumanist path.

HEAD GAMES: Technology With The Potential To Shape Reality

Randy Johnson | Face2Face technology, voice-morphing, and virtual reality continues to integrate with humanity.

The Cell (2000) – Sex Slaves and the Split Psyche

Jay Dyer | The Cell is a macabre display of the psyche, alters, trauma-based mind control, and the occult connection to these ideas.

Unacknowledged Secret Access Projects: The Black Budget & Military Industrial Complex

21WIRE | These black budget projects are illegal and swallowing your taxes.

FACE HACKING: 3-D Projection Mapping in Real Time

Randy Johnson | ‘Real Time’ 3-D face tracking and projection portends a frighteningly beautiful and technological future.

DARPA Spending $62 Million to Create Military Cyborgs

21WIRE | Science fiction is now fast becoming science fact.

SPECTRE: Revelation of Multinational, Global Surveillance Octopus and Criminal Cartel

Jay Dyer | 007’s rabbit hole leads to a global cartel known as SPECTRE, an octopus whose tentacles surround us all today.

Internet.org Is Zuckerberg’s Own Internet 2.0 For ‘Developing’ Countries

21WIRE | Surprised? Facebook is bent on complete world domination.

Surveillance Selfie: Drones, Phones and The Coming Big Data Beast

21WIRE + The Analyst Report | Ushering in the surveillance grid under the auspices of ‘smart’ technologies.

BEAST TECH: DARPA and Google’s Transhumanist Takeover

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | DARPA and Google have transhumanist designs on our future.

US DoD ‘Star Wars’ Tech: DARPA’s Death Ray Begins Testing

21WIRE + RT | Science fiction is now science fact.

Six Chinese Nationals, and USC Alumni Are Charged With Industrial Espionage

21WIRE + RT | Chinese are accused of stealing classified radio frequency technologies for mobile devices and more.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue