21WIRE | The globalist managerial class and ‘green’ opportunists are preparing their big push.
Vernon Coleman on COVID and Climate: ‘The Really BIG Fraud is Only Just Beginning’
SUNDAY SCREENING: The Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 (2004)
SUNDAY SCREENING | A story about how a group of medieval peasants nearly upended the ruling class.
INTERVIEW: Jason Liosatos on Life, Money, Slavery and Liberty
Patrick Henningsen Show | A fascinating conversation about life, money, debt, slavery and liberation.
INTERVIEW: F. William Engdahl – Rockefeller’s Big Pharma & GMO Agenda
Patrick Henningsen | The global Big Pharma and GMO industrial complex has its roots in eugenics – funded by the Rockefeller dynasty.
Fauci: Father of Cancel Culture
21WIRE | The story of Big Pharma’s own personal gatekeeper – embedded in the most powerful medical and science position in the US federal government structure.
India’s Negative Birth Rate: Globalist ‘Overpopulation’ Myth Falters Again
21WIRE | Malthusian predictions of over-population have been repeatedly over-exaggerated, as evidenced by this latest news out of Asia.
Technocracy Referendum: ‘Switzerland Will Vote on November 28th Whether to Remain a Democracy’
21WIRE + CHD | A ‘NO’ vote on the 28th would send a strong signal to the globalist elites that their New World Order will not subdue democracy in Europe’s mountainous nation.
The Global COVID Coup: ‘Turn This Thing Off’
21WIRE | Can enough of humanity reject the transnational elitists’ new techno-fascist global order – and demand to ‘turn this thing off’?
Brink of Totalitarianism: ‘Get Out of the Banks and Into Sound Money’
Stansberry Research | Will central banks steer the US and global economy through the coming financial apocalypse, or will they use it to reconsolidate their own wealth and power?
Full Interview: Archbishop Viganò Warns Against Vaccine Mandates and ‘New World Order’
21WIRE | American journalist Robert Moynihan discusses the New World Order agenda with the Vatican’s most outspoken critic.