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‘Human Augmentation’ – Warfare of the Immediate Future?

Julian Rose | It’s the stuff of science fiction, but are we now seeing the coming of a new era of strategic advantage?

Julian Rose: ‘Humanity in Hypnotic Thrall to a Techno-Industrial God’

Julian Rose | The Great Reset: a ‘Reset’ from human, to non human.

REVEALED: Global System of Digital Identification ‘For All’ Connected to Our Bank Accounts

21WIRE | Incredibly, most people still do not understand the full implications of this new system of control.

Will Artificial Intelligence Solve the ‘Socialist Calculation’ Problem?

AIER | How well have Asimov’s predictions faired in the age of A.I. and big data?

Money For Nothing: Universal Basic Income to Be Trialed in England

21WIRE | Despite all the obvious drawbacks, the UK government are now set to unleash UBI on its population.

Disbelief as ‘Green King’ Charles Gives Royal Assent to New Gene Breeding Technology

Julian Rose | Incredibly, King Charles III has committed an open act of betrayal of all bona fide farmers – especially those committed to organics.

War on Global Agriculture: The Unsustainable ‘Sustainable’ UN Agenda 2030

F. William Engdahl | Their goal is nothing short of the complete destruction of the existing food supply line structure – and replace it will a top-down control system.

The De-Population Bomb

Uncommon Knowledge | The West is now unable to sustain a population replacement birth rate – with dire social and economic consequences.

The Truth About ‘Trans’ – Neutralising the Powers of Creation

Julian Rose | It’s what Huxley warned about some eighty years ago, and now it’s here: the physical de-humanisation of the species.

Vernon Coleman: ‘The Clock is Ticking Loudly’

Dr Vernon Coleman | What is now unfolding can only be described as a deliberate and evil agenda.

Oregon is Now Pushing for Permanent Mask Mandate

21WIRE + The Blaze | Democrat leaders continue to overplay their draconian hand on all things Covid.

The Global COVID Coup: ‘Turn This Thing Off’

21WIRE | Can enough of humanity reject the transnational elitists’ new techno-fascist global order – and demand to ‘turn this thing off’?

Prof. Mattias Desmet on Why People Willingly Give Up Their Freedoms

21WIRE | Belgian professor cautions against the dangers of our current societal landscape and how we might prevent the willing sacrifice of our freedoms.

Are We Already Living in a Brave New World? – Huxley’s Warning to the World

Academy of Ideas | Is it too late to turn back the forces of technocracy?

Archbishop Viganò Calling for ‘Anti-Globalist Alliance’ to Stop the Enslavement of Humanity

21WIRE | Warning the world that a global coup is currently underway, waged by powerful financial and ideological actors.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘What’s Up With The Great Reset?’ (2021)

SUNDAY SCREENING | The road to global totalitarianism has been laid before our feet.

Mass Surveillance Dystopia: Smartphones and Social Media

Academy of Ideas | Our new virtual hyper-reality is having a profound influence on people’s behaviour, and may irrevocably alter human relations.

Social Media – Why it Sickens the Self and Divides Society

Academy of Ideas | Can humanity survive this potential derailment in the evolutionary process? 

Sacré: ‘The Lord of Vaccines and the New Health Terrorism’

Dr. Pascal Sacré | Beyond Huxley: a dark new religion, with millions now celebrating about having taken the experimental injection.

London’s Smart City: A Blueprint for Technocracy

21WIRE | Behind the green mask are globalist oligarchs who seek to use these altruistic and progressive sounding initiatives to establishment a new century of dominance.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue