John & Nisha Whitehead | At some point, being an individualist will be considered as dangerous as being a terrorist.
The New Abnormal: Authoritarian Control Freaks Want to Micromanage Our Lives
Klaus Schwab Demanding 75% Global Reduction in Private Cars by 2050
21WIRE | It’s nothing less than the total corporate takeover of our sovereign governments.
Covidianity: The World’s Fastest Growing Religion
Kristian James | The corona is everywhere, all pervasive, and transcendent.
‘The Unscientific Consensus’
Steve Falconer | The Science: understanding the ultimate psy-op and its grip on humanity.
ONE HEALTH – Globalist Path to a One World Order
Freddie Ponton | An introduction to a fully globalized control system which uses ‘public health’ and the environment as the mechanisms to control humanity.
Green World Order: The ‘Net Zero’ Trap, Laid by Davos
21WIRE | What most politicians and climate mavens don’t dare admit: that Net Zero is neither green, nor sustainable.
Press Conference: Canada Freedom Convoy with Tom Marazzo
21WIRE | Canada’s government continues to take a hard fascist turn in order to shut down freedom of speech and assembly in the country.
Los Angeles Canceled School Vaccine Mandate After 30,000 Kids Did Not Comply
21WIRE + Politico | The establishment now worried that non-compliance could slow ‘guaranteed’ sales of vaccines in 2022 and beyond.
Covid Mindlessness: Why Is This Carcinogen in Hand Sanitizers?
Dr Joseph Mercola | Overuse of hand sanitizers and other disinfectants can backfire – here’s the proof.
Texas Bans All Vaccine Mandates, Abbott Rejects Biden’s ‘New Normal’
21WIRE + WashPo | Texas bans any entity – including private businesses, from mandating a COVID vaccine.
CJ Hopkins: Covidian Push Toward a New Totalitarian ‘Normal’
21WIRE | American playwright warns that the post-COVID ‘New Normal’ is increasingly precarious.
Jab Nation: ‘No Dogs, No Irish, No Blacks’
Dustin Broadbery | Despite the obvious warnings, we continue to surrender ancient rights and protections to an unthinkable dystopia that is now within sniffing distance.
UK and Greece Collude to Push New ‘Vaccine Passport’ on Holiday Travelers
21WIRE | UK and Greece governments have quietly cooked-up this illegal policy behind the backs of the population.
INTO THE FIRE: 2021 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE
NEW YEARS DAY SPECIAL | Once again, we innocently ask: what could possibly go wrong in 2021?
Will Their New Normal Become ‘Never Normal Again?’
21WIRE | The current hysteria over the ‘pandemic’ and panic-driven lockdown policies are really convenient authoritarian devices designed to breakdown society and democracy.
UK Media Issues First Rebuke to Gov’t Over Destructive Lockdown Policies
Mail on Sunday | Pushing back against a Government who accuses its people of ‘misbehaving’ by the simple action of living their normal lives.