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Who’s Behind the Global Takeover and Vaccine Mandates?

Dr Joseph Mercola | Understanding how the ‘global pandemic’ is being used to usher a new technocracy control system of global governance and neofeudalism. Can it be stopped?

Another Monopoly? Bill Gates is Now America’s Biggest Farmland Owner

Dr Joseph Mercola | It appears that financial motivations are now driving agriculture and environmental decisions to support the personal goals of oligarchs.

CrossTalk: Falling US Fortunes in Middle East, YouTube’s Global Censorship Farm

CrossTalk | Host Peter Lavelle with 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen and author George Szamuely.

Climatism: What’s Really Behind Greta Thunberg’s Public Meltdown

21WIRE | Are the wheels now coming off the ‘climate chaos’ bandwagon?

London’s Smart City: A Blueprint for Technocracy

21WIRE | Behind the green mask are globalist oligarchs who seek to use these altruistic and progressive sounding initiatives to establishment a new century of dominance.

The War on COVID-19: Man’s Final Conquest of Nature

Nozomi Hayase | As global elites lay out their masterplan for the the planet, humanity is now awakening to the true peril of the epoch.

Joel Kotkin: Who Are The New Ruling Class?

John Anderson Direct | Elites are attempting to transition society towards authoritarianism and a digital reboot of medieval feudalism.

Patrick Henningsen On Boiler Room: What Is Your Compelling Future?

Alternate Current Radio | Patrick Henningsen on the Boiler Room podcast talking about what it means to thrive in the current societal environment and the importance of holding a compelling future close.

UKC News: Biden, Boris at G7, Plan to ‘Vaccinate the World’

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen for the end of week news round-up.

Edward Snowden on US Politics, Privacy and Technology’s Threat to Democracy

21WIRE | The potential for total technocratic control of all aspects of society is frankly staggering.

EU Vaccine Passport Scheme Rejected by Some Member States, WHO Skeptical

21WIRE | Despite the challenges, committed technocrats in Brussels are determined to push ahead with their social engineering system.

UK and Greece Collude to Push New ‘Vaccine Passport’ on Holiday Travelers

21WIRE | UK and Greece governments have quietly cooked-up this illegal policy behind the backs of the population.

Russia Braces Itself for Biden’s ‘Liberal’ Foreign Policy

Glenn Diesen | It seems that the old Cold War ideological paradigm has now flipped, with Washington on the wrong side of history.

War Criminal: Joe Biden Was a Key Architect of the Iraq War

21WIRE.TV | Few are aware of Biden’s own central role in dragging America this illegal war.

2020 YEAR IN REVIEW: CrossTalking the Pandemic and The Great Reset

CrossTalk | It will be very difficult to forget the year that is about to end, but where do we go from here?

FLASHBACK: ‘Competing Ideologies’ with Fukuyama, Dugin and Krastev

The Agenda | Revisiting this fascinating three-way discussion between contrasting political scientists.

Philosopher John Gray: ‘Today’s Global Shift is Bigger Than 1989’

UnHerd | How significant is this time in history compared to other major watershed moments of the last 100 years?

‘The God That Failed’: Why U.S. Can No Longer Impose Its Western Worldview

Alastair Crooke | As the old illusion explodes and with nothing in its place, a New World Order cannot coherently be formulated by America.

Elite COVID Action: Now Comes the Davos ‘Great Reset’

F. William Engdahl | The great and the good of Davos have decided to use this crisis as an opportunity.

UKC News: Inside Britain’s Shadow State, Using COVID Crisis to ‘Reset’ Society

UKC News | Co-hosts Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and Alex Thomson with the midweek round-up.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue