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Did Boris Johnson fake His Covid-19 illness?

Niall McCrae | Questions remain about the PM dramatic brush with death during lockdown.

UK Tory Meltdown: Liz Truss Out, Boris Back In?

21WIRE | A lot can happen in a week of politics. 

10 Scariest Flicks To Watch With Your Family This Halloween

Babylon Bee | Here’s the approved list of certified family-friendly horror films.

New PM Truss Already Less Popular Than Disgraced Boris

21WIRE | The worst poll result for a Conservative prime minister since the 2010 general election.

Tucker on US Ukraine Policy: ‘This is Insane’

21WIRE | How it started, and how it needs to end. 

Why You Should Vote ‘Coleman’ for Britain’s Next Prime Minister

Dr. Vernon Coleman | Johnson behaved as though he were President, as will the next hand-picked incumbent.

Vernon Coleman: ‘The Death of Health Care in Britain’

Dr Vernon Coleman | Britain’s NHS is now collapsing, and the problem has been created by government.

Vernon Coleman: ‘Why the Jubilee Nonsense Upset Me’

Dr. Vernon Coleman | Why I didn’t cheer, and didn’t wave a flag, nor attend any street party.

Partygate: They Knew They Could Party Because They Knew Covid Was a Fraud

Dr Vernon Coleman | Of course, they knew that the Covid scare could be safely ignored.

UK Stuck in Stagflation ‘Danger Zone’ as Pound and Gilts Set to Plunge

21WIRE | Watch the government blame everyone, but themselves.

Do the Conspirators Now Want World War III?

Dr Vernon Coleman | Do not close your eyes, look at what is happening now.

CONFIRMED: UK Gov’t Already Planning for FOURTH Covid Jab in New Year

21WIRE | The governments are now revealing their true objective: endless boosters for an endless pandemic. 

Crowds at UK Parliament Chant ‘Arrest Boris Johnson!’

21WIRE | Executives at Pfizer and AstraZeneca are hoping Johnson can bring home another win

Bjorn Lomborg: ‘Climate Change Will NOT End Life on Earth’

UnHerd | Radical climate alarmism is not only counter-productive, but it will bankrupt governments and lower overall standards of living for everyone.

Craig Murray on G7: ‘The Decline of Western Power’

Craig Murray | ‘NATO seem to have discovered their new enemy… by reading Ian Fleming.’

SAGE Document Reveals ‘Covert’ Propaganda to Scare British Into Staying Home in Lockdown

21WIRE | Britons have been subject to experimental tactics designed to operate ‘below their level of awareness.’

REVEALED: UK Lockdown Policy Has Forced 70,000 Households Into Homelessness

21WIRE | The government promised ‘nobody would lose their home’ because of coronavirus. The figures how show that promise has been broken.

Boris Johnson Extends ‘Arbitrary’ Lockdown to March

21WIRE | More and more, it seems that this folly has always has been about the dissemination of corporate vaccine products.

‘Yes, I do what my TV tells me to do’ – Why we’re hurtling towards the Great Reset

The Daily Expose | Sounds great doesn’t it, sitting at home and still being paid?

Hitchens: Public Need to ‘Drive a Wedge Between Conservative Party and Boris Johnson’

Talk Radio | Hitchens saying that ‘if enough people can pressure their MPs, we can bring an end to this thing.’

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue