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SCOTUS: Roe v. Wade is Dead

Techno Fog | The fight for life now turns to the States.

MIT Study Predicts Society Will Collapse by 2040

Economics Explained | A look at why this doomsday scenario could potentially go in two different directions.

‘Human Extinction Would Be Fine’ if Asteroid Hit – Say Woke Transhumanists

21WIRE + NR | Elites now suggesting that human extinction could be desirable outcome for the planet.

India’s Negative Birth Rate: Globalist ‘Overpopulation’ Myth Falters Again

21WIRE | Malthusian predictions of over-population have been repeatedly over-exaggerated, as evidenced by this latest news out of Asia.

Opinion: ‘The Elites’ Great Reset and Depopulation Agenda’

Joachim Hagopian | We’re in the middle of a major biological catastrophe, and no one is talking about it.

Empty Planet: The World’s Shrinking Population

The Agenda | Why isn’t anyone talking about challenges posed by a global population decline?

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue