Peggy Hall | It seems that RFK Jr’s moral compass is spinning like broken weathervane.
The drug companies have created a transnational monopoly with connections into government, media, and are now dominating the medical and healthcare industries. They have the power to dictate public health policy, but few are about the counter their influence. With the COVID pandemic and the rush to push out billions of doses of vaccines, their influence is now at an all-time high. Read about the exploits here...
NSA REPORT: CIA Behavior Control Experiments on Unaware US Citizen Revealed
21WIRE | The secret history of the CIA’s disturbing mind control experiments on human subjects without their knowledge.
Digitally Manipulated Humans and Medically Assisted Death – Set to Become a Flagship Policy of British NHS
Julian Rose | Every thinking individual must get to grips with this reality and link together in a united resistance to it.
VIDEO: The Truth About ‘Contagion’
Dr Sam Bailey | The original meanings of ‘contagion’ and ‘infection’ have been changed to support the emergence of a Medical-Pharma Industrial Complex.
VIDEO: Rand Paul, Fauci and ‘Lab Leak’ Science Fiction
Dr Sam Bailey | Fruitless theatrical performances about ‘gain of function’ have done nothing but advance the false premise that there was a novel coronavirus on the loose.
INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine & Phil Zimmerman – Vaccination Hesitancy At Its Highest
TNT Radio | Life after COVID-19 and the vaccine.
SUNDAY SCREENING: Big Pharma – How much power do drug companies have? (2021) DW
SUNDAY SCREENING | BIG PHARMA – How much power do drugs companies have? Influencing health policies, hiding side effects, and profits from made from public money, risking public health.
U.S. Court Rules University’s Covid Vaccine Mandate Was Illegal, Opening Door to Massive Lawsuits
Zachary Stieber | Universities and administrators around the country could now be pursued legally for their reckless authoritarian power-grabs during the Covid hysteria.
The Robber Barons: From Rhode Island to ‘The Global Estate’
Niall McCrae | Are those same barons of old still robbing us today?
Biden White House Goes Full Orwell – Denying Vaccine Mandates Ever Happened
Bobbie Anne Cox | Why are they backtracking now?
SUNDAY SCREENING: The Real Anthony Fauci (2023)
SUNDAY SCREENING | Chronicling the dubious exploits of the top US government ‘public health’ bureaucrat.
Henningsen: ‘Black Pill Voting + Flu Shot Scam’
TNT Radio | Are we so black-pilled that they believe our vote doesn’t matter?
INTERVIEW: Michael Bryant – Risks of ‘Children’s Vaccine Schedule’ & HepB Jab for Infants
TNT Radio | America’s Childhood Vaccination Schedule now requires up to 70 jabs up to the age of 5 years. Why so many?
The Childhood Vaccination Schedule – Part One: The First Vaccine – Hepatitis B
Michael Bryant | A long overdue assessment of this highly contentious medical issue.
Henningsen: ‘Resilient DC Swamp Species & MSM Journalist Epic Fail’
TNT Radio | Unpacking the military-corporate joint venture that was the global vaccine rollout.
INTERVIEW: Michael Bryant – No Evidence of a ‘Covid Pandemic’ in NYC in 2020
TNT Radio | The true story about the alleged NYC ‘epicenter’ of Covid in 2020.
Henningsen: NYC Covid Ruse, Gain of Function Sci-Fi
TNT Radio | Debunking some of the more popular Covid narratives.
INTERVIEW: Steve Falconer – New Film: ‘Farewell to Virology’
TNT Radio | Dismantling the establishment’s pseudo-science of modern virology and germ theory.
NYC Elmhurst 2020: Inside Covid’s Epicenter in America
HFDF | Looking back, the real data does not support the existence a ‘deadly viral pandemic’ in NYC in 2020.