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Canada and The New Collectivism

Kate Wand | Can Canadians stop their country’s globalist march towards a collectivist dystopia? 

Why Do People Willingly Sacrifice Their Freedom for the Illusion of Security?

Dr Joseph Mercola | Thoughts and strategies on how to break mass formation and prevent totalitarianism.

Prof. Mattias Desmet on Why People Willingly Give Up Their Freedoms

21WIRE | Belgian professor cautions against the dangers of our current societal landscape and how we might prevent the willing sacrifice of our freedoms.

UKC News: Aussie Internment Camps, Peer Reviewed Evidence of Vaccine Cardio Risk

UKC News | Co-hosts Brian Gerrish, Patrick Henningsen and Alex Thomson for the midweek news round-up.

Prof Mattias Desmet: Coronavirus and the Psychology of Totalitarianism

Corona Ausschuss | Totalitarianism enabled by the historically-proven socialised process known as ‘mass formations.’

The Big Lie: ‘How to Enslave the World’

Academy of Ideas | How enlightened citizens can drive out a pernicious political epidemic.

The Stalinist Show Trial of Julian Assange Begins

John Pilger | Our responsibility to stand by a true journalist whose sheer courage ought to be inspiration to all.

Question: Who Killed More – Hitler, Stalin, or Mao?

21WIRE | No is answer is straightforward, but one of the men seems to leap ahead in the pogrom poll.

77 Brigade: Is British Military Waging an Information War on Its Own Population?

Mike Robinson | UK government has now deployed the Military information warfare unit in order to try and steer the domestic conversation regarding lockdown and COVID-19.

Jay Dyer – Tragedy & Hope 6: World War 2 & the Cold War Symphony

Jay Dyer | Hitler’s moves were coaxed by the western powers, leading to a new boogey man that would envelop the globe in a total reengineering of order.

New World Order Map: Plan to Re-arrange the Planet Post-WWII is Still Alive

Global Research | It was the British imperialist Cecil Rhodes who first proposed a ‘federal’ world government – imposed by the US and the British Empire.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue