AIER | How well have Asimov’s predictions faired in the age of A.I. and big data?
Will Artificial Intelligence Solve the ‘Socialist Calculation’ Problem?
Woke Fascism: The Disturbing Trend of Banning Books in America
21WIRE | ‘When you dictate what people can read, what people can choose from, that’s the mark of an authoritarian society, not a democratic society.’
University ‘Race Quota’ Admissions to Face Challenge in US Supreme Court
Why is Biden Pushing Race-Based Healthcare?
21WIRE | Another example of how reverse discrimination based on race really amounts to ‘collective punishment’.
Canada and The New Collectivism
Who Are the WEF and What’s Really Behind The Great Reset?
Why Public Schools and the Mainstream Media Dumb Us Down
Academy of Ideas | The destruction of schooling and learning standards has been a decades-long controlled demolition in the West.
SUNDAY SCREENING: On The Streets: New Working Poor (2016)
Why ‘Perfect’ Societies Always End in Epic Disaster
DEBATE: Capitalism vs Socialism in America
Valuetainment | Patrick Bet-David speaks with economist, Richard Wolff, to discuss the pro’s and cons of socialism, capitalism and business in America.
Jason Riley Dismantles Accusations of ‘Systemic Racism’ in America
Uncommon Knowledge | A look at how the Democratic Party has completely failed the black community for the last 55 years.
Bernie: ‘The Magic Socialist’
DEBATE: The Revolutionary Left vs The Revolutionary Right
Esoteric Hollywood: CIA, CFR, Castro & Cuba – Dialectical Psy Ops Vid (Half)
Jay Dyer | Is there more to the Castro story than merely being a polarizing figure? Why does the mainstream narrative only offer two views of this important historical figure? What about the role of the CFR in relation to Latin American Cold War operations?
Fidel Castro Dies at the Age of 90 – An Uncertain Future for Cuba Still Beckons
SCIENTISM PROPAGANDA: H.G. Wells’ Masonic Time Machine
Jay Dyer | Before there was Back to the Future, there was the early phase of science fiction propaganda embodied in Fabian H.G. Wells’ 1895 novella, The Time Machine.
This is What Collectivism Looks Like: UK Tax Is Eating 70% of UK Families Incomes
21st Century Wire says… This is what many in OCCUPY are advocating, ‘More tax!’. So we are at 70% Tax now, is it working well for the people, or should we raise it to 90% and see how that goes!!?? . A new study has found that families in Britain pay some of the highest […]
Video: A Study on Free Markets
Here is a good study on a few basic principles of free market capitalism – a system which does not currently exist in Europe and in the United States… ….