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The Global COVID Coup: ‘Turn This Thing Off’

21WIRE | Can enough of humanity reject the transnational elitists’ new techno-fascist global order – and demand to ‘turn this thing off’?

‘The Shroud of Turin’ Lifted: Bilderberg to Meet in Italy in June

Mark Anderson | Obscure Serbian government press release links Bilderberg to Davos.

New Report: NSA metadata has ‘NO impact’ on preventing terror

21Wire + WP | The NSA has had little to ‘no impact’ on preventing terrorism.

Bilderberg 2013: Google’s false flag gives birth to new global tax regime

21st Century Wire | Google is fueling calls for a new global profit tax ahead of this year’s Bilderberg and G8 meetings…

Facebook in new privacy row over facial recognition feature

Social network turns on new feature to automatically identify people in photos, raising questions about privacy implications of the service – By Charles Arthur Guardian June 8, 2011 Facebook has come under fire for quietly expanding the availability of technology to automatically identify people in photos, renewing concerns about its privacy practices. The feature, which the giant […]

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