Reclaim the Net | Transhumanist tech firm plans is ‘transform healthcare on a global scale.’
Vaccine Passport Developer Says Microchipping Humans is Happening ‘Whether You Like It or Not’
Filed Under: Europe, Featured, Sci-Tech Tagged With: Big Tech, Bill Gates, COVID 19, DARPA, fascism, ID 2020, RFID, SILICON VALLEY FILES, sweden, Technocracy, transhumanism, Vaccine Passports, Vaccines, World Economic Forum
Digital Tyranny: Rockefeller-Gates and WHO ‘Vaxx-Certificate’ Passport and Road to WWIII

Peter Koenig | Medical Martial Law is now being implemented across most the world, but most of the public have no idea. Is it too late to reverse the global coup?
Filed Under: Featured, International News, Sci-Tech Tagged With: Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, AI, Bill Gates, Davos, Eugenics, fascism, Great Reset, ID 2020, ID2020, IMF, Klaus Schwab, Microsoft, Nazis, NWO, Rockefeller, social engineering, Technocracy, transhumanism, UNSDG
Who’s Behind the Global Takeover and Vaccine Mandates?

Dr Joseph Mercola | Understanding how the ‘global pandemic’ is being used to usher a new technocracy control system of global governance and neofeudalism. Can it be stopped?
Filed Under: Featured, International News, News Locker Tagged With: Apple, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Bill Gates, BlackRock, CNN, Common Pass, Coronavirus, COVID 19, DARPA, facebook, Great Reset, ID 2020, Joe Biden, Klaus Schwab, Lockdown, Mark Zuckerberg, Microsoft, MSM Watch, NWO, SILICON VALLEY FILES, social engineering, Soros, Vanguard, World Economic Forum