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UK Column: Global Gov’t and How Shadow State Sells Our ‘Big Data’ For Profit

UK Column News | Using NGOs to drive the new globalized “open government” agenda.

Jay Dyer on ‘Tragedy & Hope’ Part 5: UK PsyOps, Hitler & the Axis Powers (Half)

Jay Dyer | Why were the UK elite so eager to “appease” Hitler as World War II began to loom?

PROPAGANDA: Star Trek Beyond – Social Justice Warriors in Space

Jay Dyer | Once again, tribalists are demonized as “terrorists” for not accepting the US/NATO/UN, or “The Federation” faux liberal imperium. This film is blatant Pentagon propaganda.

Jay Dyer: Predictive Programming, 007 & the Breakaway Civilization (Video)

Jay Dyer | Hollywood film symbolism, predictive programming and mass terror events, depopulation and the breakaway civilization’s suppressed technology.

MUNICH ‘TERROR’: Immanuel Goldstein Strikes AGAIN?

Jay Dyer | Once again, giant drills and implausible and scripted scenarios are crafted to terrorize the socialized masses – all with the same patterns Orwell’s 1984 demonstrated in regard to a global, stage-managed “war on terror.”

Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope – Part 4: Rothschilds, Central Banks, FDR & the US Imperium

Jay Dyer | Dr. Quigley on the Rothschilds, Hitler, Nazis, France and how FDR was a dupe of the banksters.

SCARS & STRIFE: ‘The Purge Election Year’ Agitprop, Change Agents & False Left–Right Statecraft

Shawn Helton | The film’s release was days before a wave of bizarre shootings and protests now gripping the nation.


Jay Dyer | A host of dubious details and contradictory claims that echo past provocateurs and staged events that spark dialectical manipulation.

SUNDAY SCREENING: Transcendent Man (2011)

SUNDAY SCREENING | This week’s documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE.

Deep State Actors in the Orlando Event: Jay w/Afternoon Commute

Jay Dyer | The Orlando Gay Nightclub Shooting, Psychological Operations, Christina Grimme Murder, Manufactured Terror, The East West Dialectic, Top Secret America, Weaponized Culture

Jay Dyer w/Sofia Smallstorm: Occult Metaphysics of Underground Bases (Half)

Jay Dyer | Manhattan Project, geoengineering, the recent ceremony celebrating the Alps Tunnel, CERN and the occult metaphysics of the Underworld: The elite obsession with Hades.

Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope 2: Golden Bank for International Shakedowns (Half)

Jay Dyer | Global Government by the true “Inner Circle” of Illuminists and a one world order through the BIS, and the lead-up to World War II.

License to Lie & Other True 007 Tales

Jay Dyer | US writer and researcher Jay Dyer of JaysAnalysis.com is our guest this time round, as we look at symbolism, mind control and culture creation through film.

American Exceptionalism: Destructive Elitism Versus Constructive Humanity

Stephen J Bergstrom | American exceptionalism, a blessing or a curse?

CrossTalk: ‘Bullhorns Incorruptible’ with guest Patrick Henningsen

CrossTalk | This week’s biggest international news stories – through the bullhorn.

ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Weird Stuff – Culture Creation & Mind Control

Jay Dyer | Weird Stuff is an occult conspiracy encyclopedia in an easy-to-read fully illustrated magazine format. Author Jamie Hanshaw decodes Hollywood and the culture industry with Jay Dyer.

SCIENTISM PROPAGANDA: H.G. Wells’ Masonic Time Machine

Jay Dyer | Before there was Back to the Future, there was the early phase of science fiction propaganda embodied in Fabian H.G. Wells’ 1895 novella, The Time Machine.

ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Eyes Wide Shut as Ritual Working

Jay Dyer | Delving into the ritual initiatory aspects of Stanley Kubrick’s cult classic.

AGAINST NATURE: H.G. Wells’ Island of Dr. Moreau and Ritual Bio-engineering

Jay Dyer | The notion of creating a chimaera is an ancient tale: For the ancient Greeks, it was a fire-breathing beast with the heads of a goat, lion and snake, appearing in Homer’s Iliad.

HOLLYWOOD WITCHCRAFT: The Dark Side Revealed in The Witch (2016)

Jay Dyer | The esoteric symbols and occult aspects of 5 films: The recent hit The Witch, horror classic Suspiria, Henson’s The Witches, The Devil Rides Out and Disney’s Hocus Pocus.

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