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#LondonAttacks: The UK’s New War on ‘Online Extremism’

21WIRE + The Independent | What’s behind Britain’s crackdown on the internet?

SCARS & STRIFE: ‘The Purge Election Year’ Agitprop, Change Agents & False Left–Right Statecraft

Shawn Helton | The film’s release was days before a wave of bizarre shootings and protests now gripping the nation.

ISIS HYPE: False Threats, Staged Executions, While Israel ‘Expands’

Shawn Helton | The engineered threat of ISIS appears to benefit the interests of the West and Israel.

ISIS CRISIS: $500 Million Sought in ‘War Funds’ for Rebels in Western Proxy War & Israeli Oil Shipments

21WIRE + WP | As the latest manufactured ‘nightmare’ continues to unfold in Iraq and Syria, US President Barack Obama has asked Congress to authorize direct military aid for terrorist-linked groups.

INVADING IRAQ 2.0: ISIS Propaganda, Proxy Wars & NATO’s ‘Blitzkrieg’

Shawn Helton | The ISIS terror campaign appears to have been rolled out with a decades old objective, which is wrought with violence and propaganda.

Home Office Security Chief Responsible for Buckingham Palace ‘Viewed Child Porn’

By Sam Webb A Home Office civil servant who oversees security for Buckingham Palace security has been charged with viewing child pornography. David Tracey, 48,of Billericay, Essex, was arrested by officers from Essex Police and charged with four counts of making indecent images of children. He works at the Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism, a […]

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