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Elon Musk: US Lockdown Measures Are ‘Fascist’ – Calls to Restore Constitutional Rights

21WIRE | Renowned billionaire and technologist speaks out against socio-economic the shutdown of America.

Rule Number One: ‘Don’t Talk to the Police’

21WIRE | Amazingly, the majority of convictions are, in part, a result self-incrimination on some level.

BIGGER THAN SNOWDEN: Wikileaks ‘Vault 7’ Classified CIA leak – What Does It Mean?

Shawn Helton | The single largest classified intelligence leak in history poses some big questions.

SCARS & STRIFE: ‘The Purge Election Year’ Agitprop, Change Agents & False Left–Right Statecraft

Shawn Helton | The film’s release was days before a wave of bizarre shootings and protests now gripping the nation.

July 4th Schoolhouse Rock: ‘Preamble to the US Constitution’

21WIRE + Schoolhouse Rock | Getting to the heart of what ‘We the People’ really means.

BATTLE OVER PRIVACY: Why the FBI’s Case Against Apple is Falling Apart

Shawn Helton | The ongoing encryption saga between Apple and the FBI heats up.

Restore the Tenth: Western States Now Want Feds, BLM Out

21WIRE + Chuck Baldwin | In reality, the federal government has no just standing, not even in Nevada.

The Bundy Paradigm: Will You Be a Rebel, Revolutionary or a Slave?

John W. Whitehead | Most Americans are still unaware of what happened and why, at the Bundy Ranch last week – and how it potentially affects everyone.

‘Conrad Constitution’: Obama Assassination Cartoon Satire Prompts Secret Service Visit Series Creator

21WIRE + GMN | Creator of the cult YouTube hit series was surprised to find the Secret Service on his doorstep this past weekend.

Dennis Kucinich: Obama Is Rushing Towards World War III

21WIRE + RT | The White House continues to make claims that this is not a regime change.

Adam Kokesh home raided without warrant over his ‘loaded’ 4th of July video

21WIRE + Fox DC | Liberty activist was served with a search warrant and had home raided by police.

Visionary: Larry McDonald’s Stark Predictions Manifest Today

21st Century Wire | A look back at an American visionary who 30 years ago was right about many things.

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