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SCARS & STRIFE: ‘The Purge Election Year’ Agitprop, Change Agents & False Left–Right Statecraft

Shawn Helton | The film’s release was days before a wave of bizarre shootings and protests now gripping the nation.


Jay Dyer | A host of dubious details and contradictory claims that echo past provocateurs and staged events that spark dialectical manipulation.

DALLAS SHOOTING “SNIPERS”: Gladio Terror, Drills & Suspicious Details

Jay Dyer | Early anomalies, oddities and curious problems already arise in the initial reports of this large-scale event.

Not Again: Black Residents Riot in St Louis After Black Man Pulls Gun on Cop – Then Gets Shot

21WIRE | Protesters calling for ‘amnesty’ for any black men involved in crime – even if they are armed.

Obama’s Plays Politics After the Death of Trayvon Martin

21WIRE + NYT | Obama has debased and reduced America to a black and white argument.

Zimmerman Acquitted: Political agitators move in, race mobs on standby

21st Century Wire | Political race-baiting over Zimmerman trial has driven America to the edge of an all-out race war.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue