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CrossTalk: Falling US Fortunes in Middle East, YouTube’s Global Censorship Farm

CrossTalk | Host Peter Lavelle with 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen and author George Szamuely.

How Governments Use Fear for Social Control

21WIRE + Academy of Ideas | The weaponization of propaganda has never been done on such a scale in the West before, but ruling elites have always used it for untoward ends.


21WIRE | John Laughland brilliantly exposes the mechanics of the new Hybrid warfare

American Exceptionalism: Destructive Elitism Versus Constructive Humanity

Stephen J Bergstrom | American exceptionalism, a blessing or a curse?

EUROPEAN EMPIRE: EU’s New Border Force Will Override National Sovereignty

21WIRE | How exactly will a force that operates without consent be able to strengthen the EU’s reputation?

Obama Launches Neo-Goebbels Era: Pentagon Gearing Up to Fight the ‘PR War’

Patrick Henningsen | Still no word of the multi-trillion dollar defense budget black hole Donald Rumsfeld let slip in his press speech the day before 9/11.

Bartle Spots Australia’s Evil Clone: Making Sense Of Hoax Government

Runnymede Institute What’s happening down under in Australia? A film in which Captain Scott Bartle questions the validity of the Washington DC based company trading as ‘Australian Government’ and their ‘Pretend’ Laws… More FAQ’s on US ownership of Australia ….

Patrick Henningsen on Al Jazeera’s program ‘Empire’ – Iran War Games

21st Century Wire’s Patrick Henningsen appearing on Al Jazeera’s program ‘Empire’, breaking down the various political and military scenarios surrounding the much hyped  plan to strike Iranian targets by Israel and the US, but also highlighting the dangers of such an attack triggering off a Third World War. …

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