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SIMULACRA: SexBot Dystopia Predicted in Cherry 2000 (1987)

Jay Dyer | An obscure B movie with a heady, philosophical and prescient message.

ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Hidden Message of Ghostbusters (1984)

Jay Dyer | Mind control, paranormal and the Stanford Research Institute connection to the Esalen Institute and hidden metaphysics.

JaysAnalysis: CIA Mind Control & MK Culture

Jay Dyer | I distill the insane mad scientist operation known as MK ULTRA and its dozens of subprojects from John Marks’ 1980 book, The CIA and Mind Control: The Search for the Manchurian Candidate.

ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Laurel Canyon’s Weird Scenes – Review & Analysis

Jay Dyer | In this first free hour I review and analyze Dave McGowan’s excellent book, Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon, in an in-depth fashion.

Radiohead, 9-11 and the Esoteric “Burn the Witch”

Jay Dyer | Radiohead returns with a bizarre, esoteric single full of enigmatic imagery.

ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Weird Stuff – Culture Creation & Mind Control

Jay Dyer | Weird Stuff is an occult conspiracy encyclopedia in an easy-to-read fully illustrated magazine format. Author Jamie Hanshaw decodes Hollywood and the culture industry with Jay Dyer.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue