Daniel Margrain | Chilcot whitewashed the fact that Blair, Straw and Goldsmith initiated an unlawful war – which led to crimes against humanity.
BIZARRE: 7/7 Survivor Commits Suicide After Manchester Bombing
21WIRE + The Independent | Apparent suicide of terror victim connects 7/7 to Manchester bombing.
MUNICH ‘TERROR’: Immanuel Goldstein Strikes AGAIN?
Jay Dyer | Once again, giant drills and implausible and scripted scenarios are crafted to terrorize the socialized masses – all with the same patterns Orwell’s 1984 demonstrated in regard to a global, stage-managed “war on terror.”
Le Passeport Magique! Don’t Leave Home Without It!
21WIRE | Why would supposed ‘suicide bombers’ all pack their passports on a one-way jihad?
Excellent new film put together by Tony Rooke, featuring Tony Farrell, detailing the clear and obvious false flag attacks of both 911 and 7/7, as well as the cover-ups that have been used over and over in order to conceal the truth from the public. Watch this very informative film and pass it on to […]