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Hollywood Plots and Plots in Hollywood

Jay Dyer | “All these people that run studios, they go to Washington, they hang around with senators, they hang around with CIA directors, and everybody’s on board.”

Is the United States of America a Liberal Democracy, or Liberal Oligarchy?

Petar Djolic | FACT: American corporate and political life is disproportionally controlled by a rather small number of self-appointed elites.

Spirit Cooking the Election Books: Clinton, Trump & Rosemary’s Baby (Vid)

Jay Dyer | Jamie Hanshaw, author of Operation Culture Creation and Hollywood Mind Control joins Jay Dyer to cover Wikileaks, Spirit Cooking, Abramovic, Hollywood elites and film.

Jay Dyer: Predictive Programming, 007 & the Breakaway Civilization (Video)

Jay Dyer | Hollywood film symbolism, predictive programming and mass terror events, depopulation and the breakaway civilization’s suppressed technology.

Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope – Part 4: Rothschilds, Central Banks, FDR & the US Imperium

Jay Dyer | Dr. Quigley on the Rothschilds, Hitler, Nazis, France and how FDR was a dupe of the banksters.

EYES WIDE SHUT: What You Missed in Kubrick

Jay Dyer | Jay has written on a myriad of topics and movies, but on this show in particular, we focus on Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut.

Jay on Tragedy & Hope 3: Stalin, Hitler, Illuminism & the Occult Empire (Half)

Jay Dyer | Lecture 3 of my series on the entirety of Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope takes us into the period of the Bolshevik Revolution and the rise of Stalinism, as well as the rise of Hitler and the Nazis.

Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope Pt. 1: Bankster Revolutions

Jay Dyer | It’s time! The first lecture series to cover the entirety of Dr. Carroll Quigley’s immense Tragedy & Hope.

SCIENTISM PROPAGANDA: H.G. Wells’ Masonic Time Machine

Jay Dyer | Before there was Back to the Future, there was the early phase of science fiction propaganda embodied in Fabian H.G. Wells’ 1895 novella, The Time Machine.

AGAINST NATURE: H.G. Wells’ Island of Dr. Moreau and Ritual Bio-engineering

Jay Dyer | The notion of creating a chimaera is an ancient tale: For the ancient Greeks, it was a fire-breathing beast with the heads of a goat, lion and snake, appearing in Homer’s Iliad.

HOLLYWOOD WITCHCRAFT: The Dark Side Revealed in The Witch (2016)

Jay Dyer | The esoteric symbols and occult aspects of 5 films: The recent hit The Witch, horror classic Suspiria, Henson’s The Witches, The Devil Rides Out and Disney’s Hocus Pocus.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue