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Mass Surveillance Dystopia: Smartphones and Social Media

Academy of Ideas | Our new virtual hyper-reality is having a profound influence on people’s behaviour, and may irrevocably alter human relations.

How Smartphones are Creating a Population of Addicts

Academy of Ideas | This will be catastrophic, not just for the individual, but for civilisation itself.

Are you Doomscrolling?

21WIRE + NPR | The pitfalls of incessantly scrolling though the bottomless well that is Twitter and how to break your habit.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Human Resources: Social Engineering In The 20th Century’ (2010)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Revealing the mechanistic philosophy and the modern role of humans in technologically-driven society.

Alex Jones & Libertarians Banned From Google, Facebook – Free Speech & Transhumanism! – Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer | Alex Jones and Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute are deleted from multiple platforms, as well as other libertarian groups by divine bigtech fiat.

With All Our Gadgets, Americans’ Electricity Use is Down

Redcode | Our numerous gadgets are all getting more efficient, so they’re less of a drain on residential electric bills.

Boiler Room EP #112 – UK Election, Omran & Technocratic Tech

Alternate Current Radio | ACR’s Brain-trust returns for the weekly Boil-Down of events. Join Hesher, Spore, Miles, Randy, Basil and the gang on ACR!

10 Year Old Palestinian Girl Reporting on Anti-Israel Protests

21WIRE | This girl is taking the internet by storm.

Dr. Steven Greer Announces: The Campaign to End Illegal Free Energy Secrecy

21WIRE | The creator of Sirius is looking to expose the secrets of free energy tech.

ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Weird Stuff – Culture Creation & Mind Control

Jay Dyer | Weird Stuff is an occult conspiracy encyclopedia in an easy-to-read fully illustrated magazine format. Author Jamie Hanshaw decodes Hollywood and the culture industry with Jay Dyer.

Russian Nuclear Fission Engine Could Take Humanity to Mars in Just 6 Weeks

21WIRE | This new technology has the potential to truly advance humanity’s future in space.

Was Einstein Right? Scientists Discover Gravitational Waves, Could ‘Pave Way to Time Travel’

21WIRE | 100 years later, Albert Einstein has been proven correct and it could lead to incredible discoveries.

NATO BLIND: Top Secret Russian Air Defence System Deployed in Syria

21WIRE | Russia is in the process of technologically preventing NATO from implementing their agenda.

U.S. Astronaut’s Bizarre Claim: ‘Aliens Prevented Nuclear War on Earth’

21WIRE + RT | Are aliens our only hope for peace?

RUSSIA: 2000 Year Old Skeleton With Coned Skull Discovered

21WIRE | This discovery has left archaeologists puzzled.

Professor: Artificial Intelligence As Dangerous As Nuclear Weapons

21WIRE + Daily Mail | A growing number of experts are raising huge concerns about A.I. development.

Philosophy 101: Self-Driving Cars May Be Programmed To KILL YOU

21WIRE + The Independent | Do you trust the A.I. brain with your life?

New Experiment Shows How Reality Does Not Exist Until Observed

21WIRE + The Independent | This is equally confusing as it is incredible.

Smart SEX TOY Will Track Your Every Move Beneath The Sheets

21WIRE + The Independent | Can we do anything without being tracked?

US DoD ‘Star Wars’ Tech: DARPA’s Death Ray Begins Testing

21WIRE + RT | Science fiction is now science fact.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue