21WIRE | Israeli PM arrives in DC for a meeting with Trump to discuss Gaza, Israeli hostages – and Iran.
INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine & Philippe Diaz – New Film: “I AM GITMO”
TNT Radio | A film inspired by the torturing of prisoners in Guantánamo Bay prison.
SUNDAY SCREENING: “Being Poor in the World’s Richest Country” (2022)
SUNDAY SCREENING | Investigating the paradox of widespread poverty existing in one of the world’s richest countries.
INTERVIEW: Arnaud Develay – ‘Another NATO Fail: Cluster Bombs to Ukraine’
TNT Radio | Why are the US government and NATO are sending banned cluster bomb munitions to Ukraine?
Victor Davis Hanson and ‘The Dying Citizen’
Uncommon Knowledge | Can America survive this engineered shift away from the nation state and constitutional republic?
What Will it Take for Iran and the US to Bury the Hatchet? [Part III]
Hossein Askari | If there is to be reconciliation between the US and Iran, a new system for settling grievances must be established. Unfortunately, time is not on the side of reconciliation.
US Isolation of Iran and a Regional War Nobody Wants [Part II]
Hossein Askari | To Iranians, America is a bully that has broken its word and threatens its security. Increased sanctions and a potential war will only harden their resolve.
Why Are US-Iran Relations So Tainted? [Part I]
Hossein Askari | The relationship between the US and Iran is haunted by past grievances. A new beginning is needed.
AFGHANISTAN: Examining the Myths, the Lies and the Legends ~ Andre Vltchek
Andre Vltchek | Afghanistan is right here, unravelling the lies, myths and legends
John Pilger | The “Ministry of Truth” is preparing us for Nuclear War.
#WannaCrypt – NSA Powered Bug Hits Global Targets
21WIRE + The Register | The WannaCrypt worm has wreaked havoc across the globe in less than 48 hours, holding many to bitcoin ransom.
McMaster Calls For ‘Quick, Peaceful Solution’ Needed In Venezuela
Rachael Boothroyd-Rojas + VenezuelAnalysis | What McMaster ‘calls for’ and what the United States ‘wants’, could well be two different things.
Washington’s Criminal Activities Are Only Getting Messier
Martin Berger + New Eastern Outlook | Without an independent audit, the amount of mercs working in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria is currently unknown.
Four Reasons Why Saudi Arabia May Cease To Exist
21WIRE + The Duran | When the ‘black gold’ really slows down or eventually runs out, what will become of this controversial Wahabi state that funds terrorism.
Will ‘Trumponomics’ Bankrupt America?
GlobalResearch + F. William Engdahl | After 100 days in office, what are the prospects that Trump’s economic program will bring positive changes to Americans.
THAAD: China Angered By South Korea ‘Active’ System And Demands Halt
21WIRE + RT | China is ready to ‘protect it’s interests’ amidst the now active deployment of the THAAD system in South Korea.
The Existential Question Of Whom To Trust
Robert Parry | Robert Parry of Consortium News asks whom can we trust to describe the world and its conflicts when mainstream experts have surrendered to careerism.
British Foreign Secretary: Will Of the People May Be Ignored At US Request
21WIRE + RT | Boris Johnson isn’t ruling out aiding the United States with military action in Syria.
US Drops Non Nuke MOAB In Afghanistan – First Time Combat Use
21WIRE + RT | The United States has just launched the GBU-43/B non nuclear MOAB in Afghanistan.