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Netanyahu Set for a “Tête-à-tête” with Trump on Gaza Ceasefire

21WIRE | Israeli PM arrives in DC for a meeting with Trump to discuss Gaza, Israeli hostages – and Iran.

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine & Philippe Diaz – New Film: “I AM GITMO”

TNT Radio | A film inspired by the torturing of prisoners in Guantánamo Bay prison.

SUNDAY SCREENING: “Being Poor in the World’s Richest Country” (2022)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Investigating the paradox of widespread poverty existing in one of the world’s richest countries.

INTERVIEW: Arnaud Develay – ‘Another NATO Fail: Cluster Bombs to Ukraine’

TNT Radio | Why are the US government and NATO are sending banned cluster bomb munitions to Ukraine?

INTERVIEW: Matthew Lee – ‘US Court Free Speech Ruling + J6 Kangaroo Court’

TNT Radio | The latest scandals to hit the US courts from the Biden White House administration’s ability to censor free speech on social media to trials of the alleged “January 6th insurrectionists”.

Victor Davis Hanson and ‘The Dying Citizen’

Uncommon Knowledge | Can America survive this engineered shift away from the nation state and constitutional republic? 

What Will it Take for Iran and the US to Bury the Hatchet? [Part III]

Hossein Askari | If there is to be reconciliation between the US and Iran, a new system for settling grievances must be established. Unfortunately, time is not on the side of reconciliation.

US Isolation of Iran and a Regional War Nobody Wants [Part II]

Hossein Askari | To Iranians, America is a bully that has broken its word and threatens its security. Increased sanctions and a potential war will only harden their resolve.

Why Are US-Iran Relations So Tainted? [Part I]

Hossein Askari | The relationship between the US and Iran is haunted by past grievances. A new beginning is needed.

AFGHANISTAN: Examining the Myths, the Lies and the Legends ~ Andre Vltchek

Andre Vltchek | Afghanistan is right here, unravelling the lies, myths and legends


John Pilger | The “Ministry of Truth” is preparing us for Nuclear War.

#WannaCrypt – NSA Powered Bug Hits Global Targets

21WIRE + The Register | The WannaCrypt worm has wreaked havoc across the globe in less than 48 hours, holding many to bitcoin ransom.

McMaster Calls For ‘Quick, Peaceful Solution’ Needed In Venezuela

Rachael Boothroyd-Rojas + VenezuelAnalysis | What McMaster ‘calls for’ and what the United States ‘wants’, could well be two different things.

Washington’s Criminal Activities Are Only Getting Messier

Martin Berger + New Eastern Outlook | Without an independent audit, the amount of mercs working in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria is currently unknown.

Four Reasons Why Saudi Arabia May Cease To Exist

21WIRE + The Duran | When the ‘black gold’ really slows down or eventually runs out, what will become of this controversial Wahabi state that funds terrorism.

Will ‘Trumponomics’ Bankrupt America?

GlobalResearch + F. William Engdahl | After 100 days in office, what are the prospects that Trump’s economic program will bring positive changes to Americans.

THAAD: China Angered By South Korea ‘Active’ System And Demands Halt

21WIRE + RT | China is ready to ‘protect it’s interests’ amidst the now active deployment of the THAAD system in South Korea.

The Existential Question Of Whom To Trust

Robert Parry | Robert Parry of Consortium News asks whom can we trust to describe the world and its conflicts when mainstream experts have surrendered to careerism.

British Foreign Secretary: Will Of the People May Be Ignored At US Request

21WIRE + RT | Boris Johnson isn’t ruling out aiding the United States with military action in Syria.

US Drops Non Nuke MOAB In Afghanistan – First Time Combat Use

21WIRE + RT | The United States has just launched the GBU-43/B non nuclear MOAB in Afghanistan.

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