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SUNDAY SCREENING: Ukraine On Fire (2016)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Ukraine On Fire (2016) The documentary provides an intriguing window into the transition from the 2014 conflict to the current global situation.

MUNICH ‘TERROR’: Immanuel Goldstein Strikes AGAIN?

Jay Dyer | Once again, giant drills and implausible and scripted scenarios are crafted to terrorize the socialized masses – all with the same patterns Orwell’s 1984 demonstrated in regard to a global, stage-managed “war on terror.”

NATO Re-Releases Propaganda Video Politicising Ukraine’s Eurovision Winner Jamala

21WIRE | There is something suspicious about NATO re-promoting this video from last year.

Shock to The System: New Poll Says Trump CAN Beat Hillary

21WIRE | The American people are rejecting the political establishment, one candidate at a time.

‘Vote All You Want, The Secret Government Won’t Change.’

21WIRE | The military industrial complex is deeply embedded within the American political system.

Neocon Nightmare: Trump Wants to ‘Get Along With Foreign Countries’

21WIRE | A new tune in American foreign policy rhetoric that the elite establishment does not like at all.

Oil Price Drop: Who Will Feel the Pinch?

21WIRE | Time will tell who the winners and losers are, but one thing is certain in 2016 – someone is going to feel the pinch somewhere.

Bush & Blair’s Iraq War Dealings Exposed By Hillary Clinton’s Email Scandal

Stuart J. Hooper | Hillary Clinton’s reputation with political elites behind the scenes just took a huge hit.

What’s The Deal With Donald Trump?

21WIRE + CrossTalk | Is he in it to win it?

John Bolton: As Ignorant As He Is Dangerous

21WIRE | Bolton is one of the key hatchet men whose job it is to make those wars happen.

CONFIRMED: Hillary Clinton Will Run for President in 2016

21WIRE | Just when you thought it can’t get any worse…

Fighting in Gaza leaves U.S. in difficult position with Turkey, Egypt

Washington Post | Hillary was busy in Israel, making sure nothing good happened for Palestinians.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue