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ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Catherine Austin Fitts-Systemic Corruption & Narco Dollars

Jay Dyer | From the black budget to Enron to BCCI and the bailout, Fitts deconstructs how exactly we got into the mess we’re in, including the tie-ins of black markets.

Jay Dyer: Predictive Programming, 007 & the Breakaway Civilization (Video)

Jay Dyer | Hollywood film symbolism, predictive programming and mass terror events, depopulation and the breakaway civilization’s suppressed technology.

License to Lie & Other True 007 Tales

Jay Dyer | US writer and researcher Jay Dyer of JaysAnalysis.com is our guest this time round, as we look at symbolism, mind control and culture creation through film.

How Cameron’s SAS and MI6 Bond Op Bungled in Benghazi

Patrick Henningsen | Oh no, not again!

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue