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What if ‘Cabin in the Woods’ (2012) and its Deep State Are Real?

Jay Dyer | Having recently read Dave McGowan’s Programmed to Kill, re-viewing this film becomes all the more telling.

The Bizarre Occult Message of Assassin’s Creed (2016)

Jay Dyer | This video game-turned film blends everything from transhumanism to Templarism.

Hollywood Babylon: Sex, Cults & Symbols in Film with Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer | With so much information packed into Esoteric Hollywood, we set out to focus on a select few movies, namely, The Shining, Rosemary’s Baby, and Close Encounters of The Third Kind.

Exploring the Concept of ‘Prison Religions’

21WIRE | Do all mainstream religions emanate from a single source?

ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Weird Stuff – Culture Creation & Mind Control

Jay Dyer | Weird Stuff is an occult conspiracy encyclopedia in an easy-to-read fully illustrated magazine format. Author Jamie Hanshaw decodes Hollywood and the culture industry with Jay Dyer.

Ancient Secrets: Babylonians Tracked Jupiter 1400 Years BEFORE Europeans Using Geometry

21WIRE | A German professor has shown that ancient astronomers knew far more than we originally thought.

Explained: Transhumanist Agenda’s Biblical Roots

21st Century Wire | There are still aspects of history and ancient religious texts which we have yet to decode…

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