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Conspiracy of Enlightenment: Augustin Barruel and his “Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism” (pt. 2)

Branko Malić | We continue with the introduction to Augustin Barruel’s “Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism”, a veritable historical nucleus of modern conspiracy theory.

Conspiracy of the Enlightenment: Augustin Barruel and his “Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism” (pt. 1)

Branko Malić | “Conspiracy theories are as old as humanity … it’s in human nature to imagine conspiracies everywhere …” True? Not really. Meet the first real conspiracy theorist – Augustin Barruel.

Transcendent Men: Hegel and Posthumanism (Part 1)

Branko Malić I Is there any connection between 19th century Hegelian philosophy and contemporary posthumanism? Let’s find out.

ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Hidden Message of Ghostbusters (1984)

Jay Dyer | Mind control, paranormal and the Stanford Research Institute connection to the Esalen Institute and hidden metaphysics.

SCIENTISM PROPAGANDA: H.G. Wells’ Masonic Time Machine

Jay Dyer | Before there was Back to the Future, there was the early phase of science fiction propaganda embodied in Fabian H.G. Wells’ 1895 novella, The Time Machine.

AGAINST NATURE: H.G. Wells’ Island of Dr. Moreau and Ritual Bio-engineering

Jay Dyer | The notion of creating a chimaera is an ancient tale: For the ancient Greeks, it was a fire-breathing beast with the heads of a goat, lion and snake, appearing in Homer’s Iliad.

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