21WIRE | Warning the world that a global coup is currently underway, waged by powerful financial and ideological actors.
Opinion: ‘The Elites’ Great Reset and Depopulation Agenda’
Joachim Hagopian | We’re in the middle of a major biological catastrophe, and no one is talking about it.
REVERSE BREXIT? Macron Signals to May That UK Can Remain in the EU
21WIRE + The Guardian | Puppet leaders discussing new ways to hoodwink the voting public.
Giuseppe Mazzini and the Religion of Nationalism
Branko Malić I Is revolutionary nationalism just a step to global governance? Let’s ask its godfather, Giuseppe Mazzini, one of the premier conspirators of 19th Century Europe.
UK Column: Global Gov’t and How Shadow State Sells Our ‘Big Data’ For Profit
UK Column News | Using NGOs to drive the new globalized “open government” agenda.
(it could land you in prison) Come Jan 1st, those innocent “climate quips” could just land you in a cold cell. The video comedy sketch above is actually hitting very close to home. Our latest and somewhat controversial article on global warming has prompted some readers and Facebook members to say that “They (21st […]
Death to the Chicago Climate Exchange ($7.40 to a nickel per CO2 ton, the market has spoken)
By William Griesingerwww.masterresource.orgNovember 18, 2010 “One of the keystones of the Climate Change alarmist movement was its audacious attempt to create a functioning market by monetizing the atmospheric gas known as CO2…. Certainly, gaming the system has always been at the top on the agenda of the new green eco-trader.” – Patrick Henningsen, “The Great Collapse […]
The cold truth: Climate Science is anything but “settled”
The debate is now open: watch this fantastic and informative 5 part interview series with the UK’s Lord Monckton covering all aspects of the great global warming and climate change debate – IPCC scientific fraud, global government and the realisation of a New World Order designed by a global elite… A sharp and very complete interview with the UK’s […]
“The IPCC may therefore be allowed to die a timely death. Its budgets can be cut or frozen, and its transition to the added status of becoming a full-blown UN agency pushed further back…“ By Andrew McKillop Sept 8th 2010 21st Century Wire Through the whole year of 2009, building up to the failed Copenhagen […]
The Great Collapse of the Chicago Climate Exchange
Patrick Henningsen | Al Gore’s Green Elephant collapses in a heap of star dust, but not before Gore and Blood sell out and leave town.