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For over 20 years, we have been repeatedly told that "everything changed on September 11th." It certainly did, but the real question is what really happened on 9/11. Perhaps an even more important and pragmatic a question is: what didn't happen on that day. Rather than swallow the official story without question, careful deductive reasoning may answer many of those still unanswered questions. Learn more about this historic and controversial event in our 9/11 archives...

The Charlie Hebdo False Flag in Paris: Theory, Evidence and Motive

Stuart J. Hooper | A definitive article presenting a theory of false flag terrorism in relation to evidence and motives available for the case of the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris.

TIMELINE: French Police in ‘Hot Pursuit’ of Hebdo Suspects in Village (press not allowed in)

21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | How long will the two fleeing brothers survive in Europe’s largest-ever manhunt?

In 2000, Here’s What the CIA Predicted for 2015

21WIRE + Business Insider | Mixed reviews about what the CIA got right, and what they got wrong in their clandestine crystal ball.

JAY’S ANALYSIS: Host Jay Dyer with guest Shawn Helton on Mass Media’s ‘Psychic Assault’

Jay Dyer | Mass media psyops and aesthetic terror function to shock the mass psyche.

ISIS, Ebola, Ottawa Conspiracies: Buzzsaw host Sean Stone with guest Patrick Henningsen

21WIRE + The Lip TV | Ebola and ISIS funding conspiracies and a potential hoax surrounding the recent shooting in Ottawa – are looked at in depth…

Staged ISIS Videos are the Plot of Iron Man 3 (2013)

Jay’s Analysis | Hollywood and staged intelligence operations are now the same.

ISIS HYPE: False Threats, Staged Executions, While Israel ‘Expands’

Shawn Helton | The engineered threat of ISIS appears to benefit the interests of the West and Israel.

FLIGHT CONTROL: Boeing’s ‘Uninterruptible Autopilot System’, Drones & Remote Hijacking

Shawn Helton | The Big Secret: Boeing-Honeywell’s ‘uninterruptible’ autopilot system can disallow any pilot or hijacker from flying any aircraft in mid-flight.

Human Rights Watch Blasts the FBI’s ‘Terror Informant’ Industry

21WIRE + HRW | The bar on entrapment in US law is so high that it’s almost impossible for a terrorism suspect to prove they’ve been handled.

MH17: Malaysian Airlines False Flag Scripting Straight Out of BBC’s ‘Sherlock’

Jay Dyer | Like many 9/11 examples, the scripting of this latest Malaysian Plane fiasco matches the plot of BBC’s ‘Sherlock’.

Episode #27 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Zombie Airplanes: The MH370 and 9/11’ with guests Field McConnell and Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE | Explosive new material on Flight MH370 and its astounding 9/11 connection.

American Idiocracy: Congressman Rangel Proclaims Gas Explosion as ‘Harlem’s 9/11’

21WIRE | One can only wonder why Rangel did not ask these very same questions following the events of 9/11.

Less Than Ground Zero: NYC police and firemen pilfer $400 million from taxpayer in bogus 9/11 claims

21WIRE + RT | New York’s finest – caught red handed profiteering off of 9/11 sympathy.

The Case of the Missing Military-Industrial-Complex Money

James Hall | A rational reform of depraved money laundering is impossible without a fundamental repudiation of Washington’s internationalist foreign policy doctrines.

The Mystery of Tesla’s Missing Papers

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | The Pentagon claims that, yes, they did take them, but that they had “lost” them…

9/11 Truth Activist Gate-Crashes Super Bowl Press Conference

Truthstream Media | As media splashes go, this was a pretty huge one.

The BCCI: The NWO’s Original Bank for Crooks and Criminals

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | One of the most under-reported stories of the 20th century was the BCCI scandal, the Bank of Crooks and Criminals.

Terror Factory: Inside The FBI’s Manufactured War On Terrorism

Brasscheck TV | A story of half-wits losers, corralled into going along with schemes invented and funded and run by the FBI.

Episode #12 – SUNDAY WIRE SHOW: ‘Saying the Unsayable’ with host Patrick Henningsen

THE SUNDAY WIRE | Another great 3 hour broadcast this week, covering the things that no one seems to want to talk about.

SANDY HOOK: One Year Later There are More Questions Than Answers

21st Century Wire | Digging for answers in the aftermath of tragedy has been condemned.

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