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Jordanian Court Defends ISIS ‘Sense of Humour Failure’ and Imprisons Cartoonist

Jamila Assi | Has the world has gone mad? ISIS are not amused, so “off with his head”, and a cartoonist in prison?

Hegelian Dialectics: Don’t Mess with Hegel

Branko Malić I There’s a lot of talk about Hegelian dialectics. But what would Hegel himself have to say about it?

YEAR IN REVIEW: 2015 Top Ten Conspiracies

Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton | Grab a cup of coffee and get ready to look back at the wild rumble that was 2015…

Episode #115 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘2015 COMPENDIUM’ with host Patrick Henningsen

SUNDAY WIRE | A look back at the top news and conspiracies of 2015, and look ahead at what’s in store for your brave new 2016.

Paris Attacks: 10 Reasons This Event Looks Like a False Flag Op

Makia Freeman | This has all the appearances of a manufactured crisis and a false flag operation.

L’Exercice Pratique: Paris Terror Attack – The Road So Far

WIRE BUZZ | More coincidences, and believe it out not: a multi-agency drill on the same day?

Episode #108 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Operation Blue Flag & The Sky Jack’ with host Patrick Henningsen and guests Field McConnell

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Free Speech Fraudsters: Charlie Hebdo’s Latest ‘Cartoon’ Makes Fun of Dead Russian Airline Victims

21WIRE | With nothing to do with ‘democracy’ or ‘free speech’, the Charlie Hebdo’s international scam continues

‘Je Suis CIA’ – False Flag Internationale

Larry Chin | To the naïve ones who believe the lies and march on the streets carrying the signs, you are the pawns.

Breaking the Fear Factor: War, Financial Fraud, State Terrorism and Propaganda

Peter Koening | Fear everywhere but worry not: America is there to help.

TRIPLE TERROR ATTACK: What’s Behind the Events in France, Tunisia and Kuwait?

Shawn Helton | What will come next in the global theater play of security and terror, as we approach the 10th anniversary of the 7/7 bombings?

Ugly America: Another Staged ‘Mohammed Cartoon’ Event in Phoenix

Daily Shooter | Organizers claim they are “utilizing our right to freedom of speech”, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Garland Shooting Event Revised – Shining a Spotlight on FBI’s Role Before Attack

Shawn Helton | Details in the Garland cartoon shooting have changed, as spotlight shines on the intelligence community.

Hebdo Redux in Garland, Texas? ‘Mohammed Cartoon’ Shooting Reeks of a Staged False Flag

Daily Shooter | This ridiculous event has all the tell-tale signs of a staged incident.

French Move to Try and Make ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Illegal – By Gov’t Decree

21WIRE + Voltaire Net | Now France wants to take its ‘thought policing’ to a whole new authoritarian level.

HEBDO U-TURN: In France Nearly 100 Jailed for ‘Defending Terrorism’ and Other Speech Crimes

21WIRE | French officials have been busy locking up its citizens for various ‘speech violations’ and other thought crimes.

Hebdo Part Deux in Denmark: ‘ISIS-Inspired’ Gunmen Attack Cartoonist and Synagogue

21WIRE | If this was a false flag, the staging could not have been any better.

Free Speech? British Police Hunt Down Buyers of Charlie Hebdo

21WIRE + The Guardian | The witch hunting, and the descent into absolute tyranny, begins.

Hollande Defies Hebdo False Flag, Calls for Greater Autonomy in East Ukraine

21WIRE + RT | Hollande says that the eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Lugansk need autonomy from Kiev.

Facebook’s New ‘Chinese-style’ Political Censorship System Goes Global?

21WIRE + Examiner | Now is the time to voice your opinion on this issue, before a Chinese-style system gains traction.

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