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For over 20 years, we have been repeatedly told that "everything changed on September 11th." It certainly did, but the real question is what really happened on 9/11. Perhaps an even more important and pragmatic a question is: what didn't happen on that day. Rather than swallow the official story without question, careful deductive reasoning may answer many of those still unanswered questions. Learn more about this historic and controversial event in our 9/11 archives...

$1 Trillion Spent on US Police State Since 9/11: If They “Hated Our Freedoms,” They Must Love Us Now.

Free Thought Project | ‘Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.’

Tyranny Of 9/11: The Building Blocks Of The American Police State From A-Z

John W. Whitehead | This is not freedom. This is a jail cell.

SUNDAY SCREENING: National Security Alert: The Pentagon Attack (2009)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Our weekly documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE.

Episode #152 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘From Ground Zero to Syria’ with guests Tom Duggan, Jay Dyer, Shawn Helton

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

OUT IN THE OPEN: ‘9/11’ 15 Years Of A Transparent Lie

21WIRE + PCR | One of the largest, most elaborate crimes of the century continues to be whitewashed.

Jay Dyer: Predictive Programming, 007 & the Breakaway Civilization (Video)

Jay Dyer | Hollywood film symbolism, predictive programming and mass terror events, depopulation and the breakaway civilization’s suppressed technology.

MUNICH ‘TERROR’: Immanuel Goldstein Strikes AGAIN?

Jay Dyer | Once again, giant drills and implausible and scripted scenarios are crafted to terrorize the socialized masses – all with the same patterns Orwell’s 1984 demonstrated in regard to a global, stage-managed “war on terror.”

BUILDING 7: University of Alaska Study to Examine Controlled Demolition of WTC 7

21WIRE | This is long overdue.

False Flag Exposé: Businessman Raising £1 Million to Recreate 9/11 Attacks

21WIRE | Here is a a very unique crowdfunding project with a serious goal.

Radiohead, 9-11 and the Esoteric “Burn the Witch”

Jay Dyer | Radiohead returns with a bizarre, esoteric single full of enigmatic imagery.

Ridiculous: American Judge Orders IRAN to Pay $10.5 BILLION for 9/11

21WIRE | Even George W. Bush admitted that Iran had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.

Le Passeport Magique! Don’t Leave Home Without It!

21WIRE | Why would supposed ‘suicide bombers’ all pack their passports on a one-way jihad?

Magic Passports Redux: Syrian Passport Allegedly Discovered on Suicide Bomber

21WIRE | An incriminating passport was allegedly found on the streets – just like on 9/11.

Did ‘BACK TO THE FUTURE’ Really Predict 9/11?

21WIRE | Does imagery in the film actually predict the events of September 11th?

‘Je Suis CIA’ – False Flag Internationale

Larry Chin | To the naïve ones who believe the lies and march on the streets carrying the signs, you are the pawns.

Does Florida Gun Shop Owner Andy Hallinan Want A ‘Final Solution’ For Muslim-Americans?

21WIRE + RT | Florida-based instigator evokes the cult of ‘patriot’ while stirring the pot of fear, and ultimately, ethnic cleansing.

9/11 Fourteen Years Later

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts | The 9/11 Commission did not conduct an investigation. It was not permitted to investigate.

Retrospective: Hunter S. Thompson’s Iconic Post-911 Interview

Patrick Henningsen | A brilliant and candid summary of world events from the writer who redefined journalism.

The Elephant in the Room: WTC Building 7

Building What? | Any further questions… ask your physics professor, and demand answers from your government.

9/11 Memory Hole: Investigative Documentary Concludes ‘No Plane Hit The Pentagon’

21WIRE | There is no greater Achilles heel in the official 9/11 story than the Pentagon.

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