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SANDY HOOK: One Year Later There are More Questions Than Answers

EDITOR’S NOTE: Since the Sandy Hook Shooting, 21WIRE has published a handful of blog posts about the event and none of which have ever claimed that “no one died at Sandy Hook.” Our position as always been that there was indeed a shooting in Newtown, but that there are still many unanswered questions regarding important inconsistencies in early mainstream media reports and claims by state and federal officials – all of which raise additional questions about the true role of 20 year old Adam Lanza as a ‘lone gunman’ who authorities claim stormed the school building with a small arsenal on his person while expending 155 rounds and achieving a 100% perfect kill rate. To our knowledge, such a feat has never happened before in the history of mass shootings, and so it should be expected skeptics will rightfully challenge the official story on the basis of its improbability. In fact, the initial lack of transparency by authorities only fueled speculation on the public’s part which moved State Police to publish a firearms list from the crime scene, which they later removed but can be found here on archive. Six months after the event, more records were released, apparently to the New York Post under the Freedom of Information Act. Then, a year after the main event, Danbury State Attorney and CSP released a set of photographs and some investigation data but many other records remained classified by the FBI. Why would a civil criminal case be classified by the FBI and why not for any other mass shooting such as Columbine or Aurora? After public and media pressure, the FBI finally released a some investigative data much of which is heavily redacted but which included interviews with a neighborhood witnesses about the alleged lone gunman Adam Lanza. This included the revelation that he was already ‘on the FBI’s radar’ prior to the shooting for hacking into federal government computer systems – a federal offense which is punishable by imprisonment, and for which he was even visited at home by FBI agents. This important piece of information was not available to the public for almost 4 years after the event, before it was very quietly drifted out. Why was this held back for so long? Why are the FBI files pertaining to its previous dealings with Adam Lanza not being made available to the public? We believe these are all legitimate questions and as always, we encourage readers to give us their feedback on this issue in the comments section below this post.

Please note that the short post below was originally published in 2013 and reflects questions raised at that time, based on limited publicly available information. Although it should be obvious to most educated people, we will remind any mainstream media ‘journalists’ from the Huffington Post and other similar corporate media outlets and ‘fact checkers’ like Snopes, all of whom will try and use this or other similar dated posts in order to smear, defame and libel this website and its contributors – that rather than cherry-picking through old posts and articles five years after-the-fact and then using old speculative and opinion pieces to slander bloggers and websites – the mainstream media would be better served to spend that time looking in the mirror at their own extensive volume of lies, fabricated evidence and completely contrived stories – especially in the run-up to US and NATO military interventions in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen, to name only a few. In this way, mainstream media outlets can be proven to be willing accessories to war crimes and mass murder. Will they ever be held to account?

21st Century Wire says…

It’s been a year since the public became aware of the shooting that took place at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut.

This first point is absolutely key: we were led to believe that the alleged act of violence was carried out by that of a deranged lone gunman, only after reports had initially stated there was a second shooter on several CBS and ABC affiliates.

This was a ‘gunman’, Adam Lanza (above), that had no real motive, an unlikely suspect who no one had actually seen in 3-4 years, a gunman who had an aversion to shooting (so we were told at the time), and a gunman who is believed by many to have a different identity.

As evidence emerged out of the ‘boiler rooms’ of media halls, mainstream correspondents began selling the public on the latest tragic shooting in America. Not since Columbine had the corporate media been so fixated on an apparent tragic shooting, pushing the fear and death of it all on a 24/7 loop, offering very little in terms of motive or actual evidence of a crime.

In November of 2012, it was reported that Obama and other communitarian Democrats were already busy rewriting old gun-ban legislation just prior to the Sandy Hook shooting. The Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2007, otherwise known as H.R. 1022 of the 110th Congress, it introduced an early list of gun-bans and restrictions used for Obama and Diane Feinstein’s gun-ban list that was dropped due to lack of public support.

The timing of the Sandy Hook shooting was an odd coincidence, considering that there was such a strong push to rewrite gun laws prior to the events of that day in Newtown.

Take another look at the YouTube video from a 1995 CSPAN channel by then U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, Eric Holder, who blatantly and irresponsibly called for those in positions of influence to distort the public’s perception about their 2nd amendment right.

CLAIM: There are those within government who have been crafting ways to rid the American people of their guns rights for sometime.

In truth, this has been well documented, using many government and media proxies to act on their behalf. Is it conspiratorial to consider there are some within congressional rooms and White House walls, that would stop at nothing to achieve a gun-ban?

“We need to change the way that people think about guns.” – Attorney General Eric Holder

Following Sandy Hook, there were programs immediately setup to buyback semi-auto weapons from the public sweeping across the country. There have been many such programs over the years, including those in the South Side of Chicago, a city that has been ravaged by violence with these same programs in place, with or without a buyback plan.

From the outset, it seems clear that at the very least, there were elements surrounding the Sandy Hook shooting that were bizarre and a direct breach of the public’s trust whether by MSM media or by some law enforcement officials, leading many to believe these anomalies pointed towards a deep cover operation.

As news information had become shrouded with conflicting stories, mainstream journalists were questioned about the distorted reporting. In a conversation between Chris Phillips and David Silverstein news director for Fox News 43 Pennsylvania, we saw the official narrative unraveling. Chris pointed out the revised reports by MSM did not match that of police scanners, or helicopter surveillance video of the scene in Newtown. The scanners themselves revealed that there were at least three other suspects in custody, with some accounts claiming as many as 6 or 7, given the scanner conversations.

Below, is the apparent police scanner audio from officers at the scene of Sandy Hook elementary…

Listening to the scanner reveals some startling discrepancies in the official narrative, not to mention a highly coordinated effort just minutes after the attack that seem almost choreographed. Today we’ve been told by media outlets that those in Sandy Hook want peace during this time of mourning for the families who have lost loved ones. I can respect people’s privacy, however, the public was often fed this line of thinking after the events on 9/11, thus, making sure to shutdown critical thought in the aftermath of a crisis. It is important to note that the surviving families of the Sandy Hook shooting had a gag order not to speak in public for sometime after the event, in addition to that, alternative media sites were threatened with prosecution for reporting inconsistencies in the official story by local law enforcement.

At the start of Sandy Hook Elementary’s 2012-2013 school year, Principal Dawn Hochsprung sent out a  letter to families the Newtown School District announcing the installation of a new security system.

Why was there such a large breakdown in security after installing a new system that included CCTV footage, footage by the way that we have never seen to this day?

In an article titled, ” The Sandy Hook massacre: Unanswered Questions and Missing Information,” it was stated that:

Along these lines on December 19 the Connecticut State Police assigned individual personnel to each of the 26 families who lost a loved one at Sandy Hook Elementary. “The families have requested no press interviews,” State Police assert on their behalf, “and we are asking that this request be honored. The de facto gag order will be in effect until the investigation concludes—now forecast to be “several months away” even though lone gunman Adam Lanza has been confirmed as the sole culprit.


Political scientist W. Lance Bennett calls this the news media’s “authority-disorder bias.” “Whether the world is returned to a safe, normal place,” Bennett writes, “or whether the very idea of a normal world is called into question, the news is preoccupied with order, along with related questions of whether authorities are capable of establishing or restoring it.”

This photo was taken in October of 2012 and depicts an evacuation drill with Sandy Hook elementary kids – via the school’s Principal Dawn Hochsprung’s twitter account, who was also slain during the shooting.

A month after the shooting took place, it was revealed that Connecticut’s Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, conducted a disaster response drill in conjunction with FEMA:

The course will provide them with the information needed to address the unique needs of children prior to, during and following disasters. It will also provide them guidance and direction on how to form coalitions and how to become advocates for the unique needs of children in all aspects of emergency management.”

VIDEO: Robbie Parker seen here, relaxed, joking and smiling, then doing what some actors do before delivering a piece to camera by hyperventilating and ‘getting into character’ before his CNN interview less than 48 hours after the apparent tragedy.

The whole atmosphere surrounding the Sandy Hook coverage was some of the strangest I’ve ever seen. How could we forget Robbie Parker, the father of  6 year-old Emilie Parker, who was seen laughing and joking seconds before a grief-stricken interview on CNN. Then there was the good Samaritan, Gene Rosen, who was caught stumbling through interview after interview, changing his story of the events that day with each new T.V. camera. We also saw the very bizarre and creepy medical examiner Dr. H. Wayne Carver, who appeared excited and confused when briefing the press, Carver was also apparently instrumental in the passing of a congressional provision, Bill 1054, blocking the disclosure of autopsy results to the public after he threatening to resign in 2011.

Why would they not want autopsy results revealed to the public? It’s a simple question.

United Way, was said to have extended its condolences three days prior to the shooting. Many have probably tried to debunk this, however, we can’t ignore the mountain of evidence showing Sandy Hook to be a true conspiracy that has all the hallmarks of a covered up.

There was also Rachel Lunzer of Yeshiva University, who created a movement called Project 20/20 in the aftermath of the tragedy in Newtown.

Project 20/20 called for 2,000 people to honor the dead with 20 minutes of kindness for a week following the shooting. During a highlight of the event it was reported that:

The station(fire station) was surrounded by news teams, and within its walls were the CIA, police forces, and despairing parents.”

If we are to accept the official story of Sandy Hook, why then, was the CIA present at a community event in Newtown following the Sandy Hook shooting?

This has prompted other theories that challenge the way people view these types of tragedies.

Over the past month, we’ve seen the release of heavily censored 911 tapes and a police report from the Sandy Hook shooting that also seemed to be missing critical details from that day.

Sandy Hook elementary was demolished in November of 2013.

There have been many people giving a rationale for this outcome but the truth is, the whole event was guarded from the public’s eyes from the very beginning and its destruction will forever bury evidence of any alleged crime.

In a strange twist Robbie Parker and his wife Alissa Parker, released a video this week titled, “Evil Did Not Win.”

I agree that ‘evil did not win’ that day, mostly because there are those who are willing to investigate these troubling crimes with or without the help of media and law enforcement.

It seems that the digging for answers in the aftermath of crisis or tragedy has been condemned, just as it was after 9/11…

21st Century Wire Sandy Hook File



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