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CNN’s Don Lemon Tries to Downplay Horrific ‘Anti-Trump’ Torture of Mentally Disabled Man

21WIRE | This was a new low point in mainstream media coverage, even by CNN’s standards.

Will American Law Enforcement Lie, Cheat and Forge Police Reports? Answer: Yes.

21WIRE + The Guardian | Why did Mississippi police release two versions of fatal shooting report?

Dad’s Army: Oathkeepers Inserts Itself Into the Ferguson Media Circus

J.R. Smith | Do Oathkeepers have a federal seal of approval in Ferguson?

Street Thugs vs Thug Cops: Ferguson Anniversary Sparks Street Gunfight

21WIRE | Ferguson’s ‘protest movement’ is has morphed into a bizarre Michael Brown cult of violence.

Baltimore Teen ‘Protesters’ Attempt To Burn Pizza Store Owner Alive

Amir Alwani | Essam el Ghannam’s life does not belong to some 14 year old demon-possessed brat.

The Joys of Looting: Watch As Baltimore Youths Tear Apart 7-ELEVEN Store

21WIRE | These looters shouldn’t be seen as representative of protesters in Baltimore, but sadly – they will be.

Man Arrested in Shooting of 2 Ferguson Police Officers

21WIRE | Suspect said shots were unintentional and not aimed at police.

‘Money, or Mob?’ Al Sharpton and The Art of the Shakedown

21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | Obama’s ‘advisor’ caught using threat of race mobs to pry money out of businesses and institutions.

YEAR IN REVIEW: 2014 Top Ten Conspiracies

Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton | The Year 2014 proved to be a banner year for unbelievable conspiracies.

Episode #65 – ‘SUNDAY WIRE X-MAS SPECIAL’ with Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton

SUNDAY WIRE | Looking back on a bold 2014, and seeing what might lie ahead in 2015…

WINNER: CNN’s Don Lemon Makes ‘Worst Journalism List of 2014’

21WIRE + THR | Another blow to the deflated brand of CNN and that of the collectivist crowd.

Not Again: Black Residents Riot in St Louis After Black Man Pulls Gun on Cop – Then Gets Shot

21WIRE | Protesters calling for ‘amnesty’ for any black men involved in crime – even if they are armed.

‘#ICantBreathe’ Revenge Shooter Kills 2 NYPD Officers, Then Shoots Himself

21WIRE | Two NYPD Anti-Terror Officers gunned down by Eric Garner supporter today.

Agent Provocateurs at Berkeley Protests? They’ve Done it Before.

21WIRE | Revealing some of the most sophisticated incitement techniques used by undercover police during protests.

Palestine’s ‘#ICantBreathe’ Police Murder Could Spark Third Intifada

21WIRE + Egyptian Street | Both American and European liberal youth are free to join in at this point…

JAY’S ANALYSIS: Host Jay Dyer with guest Shawn Helton on Mass Media’s ‘Psychic Assault’

Jay Dyer | Mass media psyops and aesthetic terror function to shock the mass psyche.

SHAMELESS: Denver ‘Ferguson Protesters’ Cheer as Police Officers Get Hit by Car

21WIRE | Unruly crowds cheer loudly and taunt injured officers, including one in critical condition.

Epic Fail: Jon Stewart Lies in Ferguson Skit, Gets Slammed by CA District Attorney

Peter Sterry | John Stewart is not a comedian, he’s a politician.

Charles in Charge: Barkley Takes the High Road on Ferguson and Race

Patrick Henningsen | Sharpton and CNN’s cadre of ‘race experts’ could all learn a thing or two from Sir Charles.

No Indictment in Eric Garner Grand Jury, DOJ to open ‘civil rights’ investigation

21WIRE + RT | Eric Holder and Al Sharpton are on the war path again, as street mobs assemble tonight in NYC.

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