Shawn Helton | The engineered threat of ISIS appears to benefit the interests of the West and Israel.
ISIS HYPE: False Threats, Staged Executions, While Israel ‘Expands’
Assault on America: Ex-Border Agent Says US Government ‘Facilitating’ Illegal Surge Scheme
21st Century Wire | As the heavily manufactured border surge remains ongoing, we’ve received an inside glimpse of what’s been happening at the US-Mexico border from a former federal agent.
Episode #43 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘MH17 and the New Normal’ with guests Vladimir Suchan, Basil Valentine
SUNDAY WIRE | What’s really behind the downed flight in Ukraine, and Britain’s rot in Westminster.
Left Losing Plot on Immigration: calls 21st Century Wire ‘Pro-gun, Anti-immigrant news source’
21WIRE + Salon | We caught this left-wing media giant red-handed, lying about a protest in Arizona which they never attended.
DHS Immigrant Dump-Off Stopped by Residents in Oracle, Arizona
21WIRE + GMN | Federal immigrant buses were turned away again – this time in a rural town in Arizona.
EXCLUSIVE: Whistleblower: Buses Were Diverted Because Border Patrol, Police Threatened To Stand Down If DHS Used Force Against Murrieta Protestors
21WIRE + GMN | The White House was preparing to use excessive force against peaceful local resident protestors in Murrieta, California last week.
California Catholic Diocese Bypasses City, Purchases Building to ‘House Illegals’
21WIRE + Champion Newspapers | The separation of church and state has been eliminated under the Obama White House.
Inverted Independence: Americans Content with Loss of Freedom
SARTE | What the current condition of American complacency?