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In Defense of Dzhokhar: The Real Smoking Gun in Boston

Kurt Haskell and Patrick Henningsen | Explosive proof presented of how the Boston Bombing trial was a complete whitewash.

Episode #80 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Nirvana and Nevada’ with host Shawn Helton and guests Tom Grant and Jay Dyer

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

5 Key Questions That Were Not Asked During Trial of ‘Boston Bomber’ Dzhokhar

21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | Five stunning questions that were NOT asked during this historic trial.

No More Warnings: Has Police State USA Already Arrived?

21WIRE + Sagacious News Network | It appears the police state has already arrived — what can be done?

Human Rights Watch Blasts the FBI’s ‘Terror Informant’ Industry

21WIRE + HRW | The bar on entrapment in US law is so high that it’s almost impossible for a terrorism suspect to prove they’ve been handled.

FBI Knew Boston Bombing Suspects Long Before ‘Main Event’

21WIRE + IB Times | The FBI have still managed to dodge any serious questions, or address the facts of the Boston case.

The Boston Bombing: Hard Questions, Answers Explained

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | If you still think it really happened the way it was reported, then you should probably revisit the Boston Bombing and see for yourself.

The Boston Bombing: Another Look at Carlos Arredondo

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | Has there ever been a more over-the-top ‘American hero’ than old Carlos Arredondo?

LAX Shooting: Drills, Mannequins & ‘The New World Order’

21st Century Wire | We’ve seen an increase in these kinds of mass casualty drills.

L.A. Ontario Airport ‘October Drill’ Nearly Identical to LAX Shooting Scene

21st Century Wire | What are the odds of that? LAPD took part in an identical ‘active shooter drill’ one month before.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pleads NOT GUILTY on all 30 counts in first court appearance

AP/Washington Post | Holder should be upset that Tsarnaev is pleading not guilty to terrorism charges.

BREAKING: Seventy-two killed by law enforcement while resisting gun confiscation in Boston

Fauquier Free Citizen | Authorities believe that the extremist faction was linked to the radical right-wing tax protest movement.

Payout or Payoff? Boston Marathon bombing victims collect $60.9 million – so far

Boston Bombing Update | Compensation day has arrived, but is it a pay out, or a pay off?

Whistleblower or Red Herring? Boston advance warning that finish line was ‘vulnerable to terror attack’

21st Century Wire | It’s not good enough to say ‘we warned you’ after the fact, we want specifics now…

DHS ‘Sports Division’: Federal Takeover of Sporting Event Security Already Underway

21st Century Wire | Spokane gets the full treatment: “backpack ban”, packs of sniffer dogs, and a border patrol helicopters…

Red Ice Radio: Patrick Henningsen on Boston Bombings & Third Way Control Mechanism

21st Century Wire | 1 hour interview breaking down what may have taken place in Boston and the global chessboard.

Tsarnaev widow Katherine Russell now officially a ‘person of interest’ in Boston investigation

21st Century Wire | Now that the FBI has named Katherine Russell as someone of interest, will the media be asking the right questions?

Tsarnaev Wife Katherine Russell and Her Skull and Bones, CIA Family Connections

21st Century Wire | These are not mere coincidences – these are the most well-connected people you can imagine.

VIDEO: Boston Resident Blasts Reporter Over Marathon Bombing Coverage

Huffington Post | Verbal clash between Boston resident and Dan Bidondi of Infowars. (WARNING: Graphic language.)

Eyewitness: ‘Tamerlan was run over by Boston police and then shot multiple times’

21st Century Wire | We ask this question: does someone not want either of these two brothers to tell their story in public?

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