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Oxford Circus, Media Terror Drills and ‘Resilience’ Marketing Goes Global

21WIRE | Crisis is now the ‘new normal,’ or at least that’s what we’re led to believe.

UNCLOAKED: White Helmets Rescue Crisis Actor in ‘Mannequin Challenge’ Fakery

21WIRE | Another staged rescue operation from the White Helmets.

RESCUE REDUX: Are Syria’s White Helmets ‘Recycling’ its Child Victims?

Shawn Helton | The White Helmets agitprop media machine has produced an unprecedented amount of western war propaganda.

AGITPROP MACHINE: How the US create Fake Al Qaeda and ISIS videos

Shawn Helton | What’s next in a world with designed outcomes, false narratives and staged crises?

False Alarm or Psy-Op? LAX ‘Active Shooter’ Spectacle, JFK Airport Panic & Staged Propaganda

Shawn Helton | The West continues to see a media blitz of false, fake and doctored criminality often masking many real-life conspiracies.

COINTEL CHAOS: The MI5’s ‘Known Wolf’ Preacher, Aleppo Agitprop & NATO’s Mask

Shawn Helton | In an age of manufactured terror, social engineering narratives dominate Western media.


Shawn Helton | Natural Born Killers explores the destructive trauma-based propaganda that drives the American media complex.

Police Stage Fake Terror Attack on British Shopping Mall

21WIRE | Why is this being staged now?

REAL POLITIK: Host Dr. James Tracy with 21WIRE’s Shawn Helton on America’s ‘Active Shooter’ Paradox

21st Century Wire | An in depth analysis of America’s ‘mass shooter’ media culture.

SYNTHETIC TERROR SPECTACLE: Deconstructing the Nature of ISIS

Daniel Spaulding | Sometimes the enemy has to be constructed and stage managed for the proper effect.

SHADOW PLAY: The ISIS ‘Ramadan Attacks’ Smell of a Western-Born PSYOP

Shawn Helton | As the US election cycle heats up over the next year, the psychological warfare regularly used to deceive the public will also increase.

STAGECRAFT: ISIS Video ‘Execution’ of Ethiopians in Libya Appears Fake

Shawn Helton + Daily Mail | More evidence of theatrical ‘staging’ during the alleged ISIS video executions in Libya.

PSYWAR: ISIS ‘Abductions’ Propagandized by Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Shawn Helton | The latest tales of ISIS come from the highly suspect Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

TERROR EXPERTS: ISIS Video Depicting Egyptian Execution Footage ‘Faked’

Shawn Helton | The latest ISIS propaganda film was indeed orchestrated for maximum effect – as we predicted.

MISFIRE: The Burning of Captured Jordanian Pilot, Staged Propaganda & Coalition Airstrikes

Shawn Helton | What’s behind the latest propagandized events involving ISIS?

ISIS HYPE: False Threats, Staged Executions, While Israel ‘Expands’

Shawn Helton | The engineered threat of ISIS appears to benefit the interests of the West and Israel.

TERROR SWARM: West Propels ISIS Death Squads, As Iraqi PM Maliki Finally Forced Out

Shawn Helton | Western and NATO allies remain untouched by the proxy death squads they themselves have surreptitiously cultivated in large parts of the Middle East.

The Arc of ISIS: Western ‘Regime Change’ Rouses The Masses With New Brand Of Terror

Shawn Helton | Western proxy creatures are driving a hard nail into the sectarian conflict of Shia and Sunni, culminating in forces pushing for the exit of Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki.

ISIS CRISIS: $500 Million Sought in ‘War Funds’ for Rebels in Western Proxy War & Israeli Oil Shipments

21WIRE + WP | As the latest manufactured ‘nightmare’ continues to unfold in Iraq and Syria, US President Barack Obama has asked Congress to authorize direct military aid for terrorist-linked groups.

INVADING IRAQ 2.0: ISIS Propaganda, Proxy Wars & NATO’s ‘Blitzkrieg’

Shawn Helton | The ISIS terror campaign appears to have been rolled out with a decades old objective, which is wrought with violence and propaganda.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue