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YEAR IN REVIEW: 2014 Top Ten Conspiracies

Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton | The Year 2014 proved to be a banner year for unbelievable conspiracies.

JAY’S ANALYSIS: Host Jay Dyer with guest Shawn Helton on Mass Media’s ‘Psychic Assault’

Jay Dyer | Mass media psyops and aesthetic terror function to shock the mass psyche.

EBOLA HOAX EXPOSED: The Reality Behind America’s Dreadful Campaign Of Fear

Shawn Helton | Ebola is on the back-burner for now, but the idea of a pandemic is subliminally dialed into your psyche.

WEAPONIZED: The Case For Ebola Coming From a Bioweapons Lab

Patrick Henningsen | Did Ebola really jump from African Fruit Bats to humans, or was it something else?

EBOLA FRENZY: Air Passenger Wears Hazmat Suit, Ebola-ISIS Theories – America’s Terrordrome

21WIRE + Zero Hedge | Americans are now demanding that the government restrict their rights and freedoms – all to protect them from Ebola.

Ebola Goes Global: Air France Quarantine 183 After 4 Cases in Madrid, Moscow Monitors 2 Students

21WIRE | It’s reaching escape velocity: Airline execs are under pressure from customers while the media fuel paranoia.

Ebola Fears Trigger Panic Sell-Off, Stocks Into a Tailspin

21WIRE + ECB | That was a dramatic tremor for sure, but what happens when a full-blown pandemic or disaster hits?

Ebola Bombshell: CDC Gave ‘OK To Fly’ to Ebola Nurse With Fever

21WIRE + Huff Post | Media pundits are already smelling blood, so expect a CDC resignation announcement soon.

VIRAL SIEGE: Ebola Fear Campaign & Cover-Up Masks Truth About Outbreak

Shawn Helton | How much longer will the CDC and the United States government shield the public from reality?

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue