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Search Results for: Cold war

Weather Control, ‘Climate Change’ Deception & Other Global Concerns

Shawn Helton | Can weather manipulation could trigger potential “force multiplier” of extreme events throughout the world?

Strange Color Revolution: More ‘Gay Protests’ at Russia’s Sochi Olympics, but on what basis?

Patrick Henningsen | Sure, gay rights are important, but it seems that the LGBT lobby has chosen both the wrong target, and the wrong venue.

LORD OF THE FLIES: Obama’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ SOTU Speech Upsets Many Black Americans

Shawn Helton | It seems the conch has been smashed in America, just as it was in The Lord of the Flies, ushering in one empty leader after another.

The Davos Deception: The Ultimate Philistine Talking Shop is an Abject Failure

Patrick Henningsen | As far as economics go, Davos is a total failure, and now it wants to do the same in politics.


Andrew McKillop | Look out – the US natural gas market is set for a run, a some big ripple effects.

Can ‘Operation American Spring’ Avoid Being Co-opted?

Shawn Helton | Who is General Paul Vallely, and what is his affiliation with Operation American Spring?

Dennis, The Dear Leader and ‘The Fish That Saved Pyongyang’

Patrick Henningsen | Once again, Rodman wins ugly, and upstages John Kerry in the process.


Andrew McKillop | It’s officially an evolutionary crisis when the feral monkeys start looking smarter than our jet-setting monkeys in suits.

Gore’s Odyssey: Another record-breaking freeze, still cult followers cling to climate mythology

Patrick Henningsen | It would be a funny thing, if it weren’t so darn expensive.

US Government Continues Its Assault on Energy Independence

21WIRE + BIN | It’s not just homes using solar energy which are being targeted, it’s wood stoves too.

Did FDR Know About Pearl Harbor in Advance?

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | The President hoped an attack in the Pacific would ‘unite public opinion behind the war’.

Loretta Fuddy: The Most Unlucky Person of 2013 – or was she killed to cover a big lie?

21WIRE + NBC News | Is it just a coincidence that Loretta Fuddy was the only non-survivor of this non-fatal Cessna crash?

Nixon aide Roger Stone’s claim: LBJ arranged the murder of JFK

21WIRE + The Australian | Is this latest admission a move by Roger Stone to wash away his litany of past sins?

‘Obama Bodyguards’, DC Cops, Gun Down Unarmed Black Woman – Where is Al Sharpton?

21st Century Wire | Miriam Carey was killed in cold blood. Something is very, very wrong in America right now.

Obama, the benevolent dictator: ‘I will allow Congress to vote on military action in Syria’

Patrick Henningsen | With language befitting of a true dictator, the President pauses to gives lip-service to the democratic process.

Obama Now Preparing for Naval Missile Strike Against Syria

21WIRE + CBS | Obama is making final preparations for a “punitive” cruise missile strike against Syria.

Losing the Plot: Al Gore Compares Climate Change Deniers To Racists And Drunks

21WIRE + Huff Post | Gore’s church is all about collecting money and consolidating political power.

Resurrecting Osama: Musharraf arrest for Benazir Bhutto assassination reignites the ‘bin Laden question’

21WIRE + AP | Former Army chief and President is now being thrown under the bus to bury the bin Laden hoax.

Boeing’s Lemons: $214 million US defense missile misses test target over Pacific

21WIRE+RT | The most expensive and unnecessary fleet of flying lemons in US history.

Snowden on NSA wiretapping: ‘Put your cell phones in the fridge’

Dr Coldwell | Here are some practical tips on protecting your privacy from government eavesdroppers…

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