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Left Losing Plot on Immigration: Salon.com calls 21st Century Wire ‘Pro-gun, Anti-immigrant news source’

21WIRE + Salon | We caught this left-wing media giant red-handed, lying about a protest in Arizona which they never attended.

Weather Underground: 60’s Radical Leader Bill Ayers ‘Defends’ Violent Terror Exploits

21WIRE + DC Clothesline | Bill Ayers was responsible for helping to create a destructive tool that indoctrinated young liberals into pushing for a socialist agenda through violence.

LORD OF THE FLIES: Obama’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ SOTU Speech Upsets Many Black Americans

Shawn Helton | It seems the conch has been smashed in America, just as it was in The Lord of the Flies, ushering in one empty leader after another.

Independent Journalists, Activists Politically Targeted in Criminal Hacking Campaign

Jason Robinson | This latest string of attacks is sophisticated and organized, an obvious malicious attempt to slander activists and journalists.

Cointel agent Bill Ayers: Obama should be tried for ‘war crimes’

21st Century Wire | Are intelligence operatives getting the inside talking point to dump the failing U.S. president, in favor of a new dictator?

“The Fall of the Republic”

(CLICK PICTURE TO ENLARGE) Marvel here at one of the great Neo-classical masterpieces, “The Fall of the Republic”, chronicling the rise, slide and fall of this once great Constitutional Republic. It’s an age-old scene where the characters may change but the story doesn’t. An empire in decline, a happy time when style reigns over substance […]

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