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REPORT: Pentagon Paid Defense Contractors at Least $4.4 Trillion Since 9/11

Antiwar.com | War profiteers Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and Blackwater kept the ‘blood money’ flowing out of the Pentagon.

Lion Air’s Cockpit Voice Recorder Reveals Struggle to Override Flight Control System

21WIRE + ZeroHedge | Will recent flight disasters finally bring to light the risks associated with automated flight control systems?

A Warmonger’s Pay-Off: Nikki Haley to Land Board Seat at Boeing Corp

21WIRE | More proof that shilling for war is still a very lucrative business.

Boeing’s Lemons: $214 million US defense missile misses test target over Pacific

21WIRE+RT | The most expensive and unnecessary fleet of flying lemons in US history.

Network Nightmare: Hacker demonstrates how to hijack Boeing jet using Android app

Shawn Knight | ‘Hack in the Box’ security conference in Amsterdam unveils some disturbing truths about our new networked world.

Protect Yourself Against Drones: Military contractor to launch counter-UAV technology

RT | Have no fear, help is at hand…

From Sci-Fi to Reality: Computer-Blitzing Drone That Cripples a Nation’s Electronics With Touch of Button

Aircraft manufacturer Boeing has successfully tested a missile which knocked out an entire military compound in the Utah desert Aircraft manufacturer Boeing have created a weapon that can knock out computers The missile is thought to be able to penetrate bunkers and caves Experts warn, in the wrong hands, could bring Western cities to their […]

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