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Author Andrew McKillop is a veteran markets analyst and former energy economist and advisor to the European Commission, and author of the groundbreaking book, Doomsday Machine.

My Nuclear Rant: Asymmetric War Threat of Ukraine Conflict

Andrew McKillop | Politicians and other questionable folk still speak of nuclear weapons as “manageable”, but are they really?

Peace On Earth and Goodwill to All Men (Well, Not Quite)

Andrew McKillop | A time for pondering what is, what could be, and who we need to absolutely get rid of in 2015.

ENERGY SHOCK: What Happened to Over-Priced Oil?

Andrew McKillop | The hard truth: there is no longer any rational energy-economic basis for triple-digit oil prices.

The Coming Altzheimer’s Bomb: Can Mental Healthcare Cope?

Andrew McKillop | The UK’s NHS is struggling with the unstoppable growth of Altzheimer’s disease victims, and the numbers are growing.

French President Hollande says ‘ISIS Terror Linked to Global Warming’

Andrew McKillop | Al Gore is jumping with joy, as Hollande traces a direct link between global warming and terrorism.

The Millennial Cult of Global Warming

Andrew McKillop | Yes, this is the age of cults. The only question left is: are you in, or are you out?

ISIS dot com: Social Media Barons Are Pushing the New Barbarity

Andrew McKillop | Where is this all heading? It’s regressive for sure, and taking society’s minds to darker place.

FLIGHT MH17 – Kiev Flash Mob’s Final False Flag?

Andrew McKillop | If you know who the real aggressor is in this drama then you can guess what’s coming next.

Divide and Rule: US State Dept Plan to Split Iraq Along Sectarian Lines

Andrew McKillop | Navigating the present ISIS Crisis in Iraq is tricky and chaotic, but history will play an important role in its outcome.

Pass Me the Twinkies and the AK47: Mainstream Media Lost in a ‘D-Generation’

Andrew McKillop | Today’s brainwashing is more advanced, more complex and many times more dynamic and pervasive than anything that 20th century autocrats could have imagined.

How Democracy Got Shredded, and Re-Shredded

Andrew McKillop | Never in modern history has the establishment’s credibility been so shot, and never have they looked so bad trying to convince us it’s all good.

Date With Destiny: Is Independence for Eastern Ukraine a ‘Done Deal’?

Andrew McKillop | No amount of kicking, crying, or screaming from Washington or London can change the fact that Eastern Ukraine will eventually win some level recognition.

Please Don’t Cry For Bottom-feeding Barclays Bank

Andrew McKillop | Why do they take so long to disappear? Why can’t they just die like any other failed business? We can only ask.

Our Nuclear Menace – Just as Darwin Would Have Predicted

Andrew McKillop | No matter how much fantasy they pump into the conversation, the establishment have unleashed a genie which cannot be contained through their own perverted logic.

The Death of Capital: What’s Really Behind Thomas Piketty’s Economic Zeitgeist

Andrew McKillop | Yes, of course it has to collapse one day, but the elite hope is it won’t be today.


Andrew McKillop | All signs point to the transition towards their plan for a One World Order, and it may not be a smooth one.

Darth Vader Economics: Why the Banksters Want Inflation

Andrew McKillop | Central bankers have descended even deeper into their private fetish economy.

Elite Psychopathy: FIRE Everything and Forget the Future

Andrew McKillop | Can we stop them, before they implode our economy and society?

Western Psychodrama Over Putin Only Pushes World Affairs Further ‘OFF GRID’

Andrew McKillop | International Community defenders are vigorously working the theme that Vladimir Putin is ‘just plain crazy’.


Andrew McKillop | Political leaders in the west have fools for advisers, and thus are making one wrong move after another.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue